The Latin Grammarians Collection is based on Cadmus, developed by Daniele Fusi. The digital model of the database and the related ontologies were established by Elena Spangenberg Yanes in collaboration with Andrea Consalvi and Michela Rosellini. The graphical user interface was designed by Andrea Consalvi and Elena Spangenberg Yanes and developed by Websoup. The database gathers data coming from the three following projects:
For bibliographical references regarding the database:
- Rosellini, M.; Spangenberg Yanes, E. (2019), Per un Thesaurus Dubii Sermonis digitale, Rationes Rerum 14, 259-290.
- Spangenberg Yanes, E. (2022), A New Database of the Latin Grammarians. Linguistic and Philological Critieria of the Linguistic Markup, Storie e Linguaggi 8(2), 1-34.
- Consalvi, A. (2023), Soluzioni per il markup dell'apparato critico: il caso della Latin Grammarians Collection, Lexis 41, 453‐476.