Par. Lat. 7498
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Latin 7498
Former shelfmark(s): Paris, Bibliothèque du roi, 5496
France, Saint-Amand (Bischoff III, nr. 4450)
ca. 850-ca. 900 (Bischoff III, nr. 4450)
ff. 1r-1v
Capitula Ars librorum XVII-XVIII
Title: Incipit capitola septimi decimi
ff. 2r-56v
Prisc. ars 17, 1 – 18, 307
inc.: quoniam in anteexpositis libris; expl.: explicit liber octavus decimus priscini grammatici, id est secundum de constructione partium orationis inter se in contextu
Title: De constructione partium orationis inter se septimus decimus liber Prisciani
Note: The subscription of Flavius Theodorus are placed at the beginning of the two books, respectively at f. 2r and f. 29r and they have been written in red Rustic Capital. The number of the paragraphs were added in the outer margins in red ink often preceded by the paraph.
ff. 57r-80v
Prisc. part. 128, 24
inc.: arma virumque cano; expl.: graiugena faciens
Title: Incipit tractatus Prisciani grammatici de duodecim versibus Aeneida principalibus
ff. 81r-88r
Prisc. inst. 41, 2
inc.: omnia nomina quibus latina; expl.: disertum esse invenies
Title: Incipit institutio Prisciani grammatici de nomine et pronomine et participio et verbalibus nominibus
ff. 88r-88v
Grammatical notes
inc.: tres periochae; expl.: indicativi et infinitivi
ff. 105r-108v
Rufin. metr. Ter. 20, 6
inc.: Evantius in commentario; expl.: vel maximum quod
Title: Commentarium Rufini dissertissimi grammatici antiochensis in metra terentiana
Note: blank between ff. 106-107 (GL VI 563, 6 sudes in ista – VI 567, 19 armat iambus) and incomplete at the end
ff. 89r-104v
Eutych. GL V 488, 11
inc.: cum semper novas quaestiones; expl.: coniugationem vendicat sibi
Title: Incipit prologus libri Eutici
ff. 109r-110r
Remus Favinus Carmen de ponderibus et mensuris PLM IV, pp. 442-459
inc.: pondera poeniis; expl.: nec non et sine aquis
Title: Remi Favini Epistula
ff. 110r-113v
Prisc. fig. num. 18, 17
inc.: omni te Symmache; expl.: de figuris numerorum explicit
Title: Prisciani libellus de ponderous
ff. 113v-116r
Prisc. metr. Ter. 32, 5
inc.: cum non solum Terentius; expl.: de metris terentianis breviarum breviarum explicit
Title: Incipit de metris fabularum Terentii et aliorum comicorum
ff. 116v-120v
Prisc. rhet. 49, 8
inc.: fabula est oratio ficta; expl.: Prisciani sophistae ars praeexercitaminum secundum Hermogenen vel Libanium explicit
Title: Eiusdem praeexercitamina ex Hermogene translata
Unit 1
ff. 1-56
Material: parchment
Guard sheet material: paper
Leaf count: 56
Guard leaf count: 3
Leaf numbering: modern foliation
Quires: beginning with hair side; collation: 16 (6), 2-38 (22), 46 (28), 5-78 (52), 84 (56)
Quire numbering: on some quire one can see the ancient quire numbering in roman figures: at the bottom of the last page of the quires, from number I (f. 6v) to number VII (f. 52v).
Rulings: hard-pt • system: l-1 • Muzerelle 1-1:J/0/1C-0/J • description: the ruling systems are two corresponding to the following schemes: ◀︎◀︎◀︎ ▶︎▶︎>; <◀︎▶︎▶︎ <◀︎▶︎ ▶︎; pricks are evident on the outer margin. full page written with 35 lines of script; unit of ruling mm 8
Leaf size: 209×249 mm (39)
Written area size: 155×209 mm (39)
State: there is some stains on the parchment
Binding: modern binding in white parchment
Unit 2
ff. 57-88
Material: parchment
Leaf count: 31
Quires: beginning with hair side; collation formula: 9-128 (88).
Quire numbering: no quire numbering
Rulings: hard-pt • system: l-3-1 • 1-1:J/0/1C-0/J (?) • description: pricks on the outer margin; unit of ruling mm 8
Leaf size: 208×245 mm (80)
Written area size: 155×204 mm (80)
main (Ancient Greek and Latin): Caroline minuscule: French
A (ff. 1r-28v) French Caroline of Saint-Amand with vertical axis and curved trace, medium module, that becomes tiny in the Capitula. Long shaft of f, tail of g in a bow, some capital letter among the minuscule shapes, like n. Greek traced by rigid and broken movement, like my in four traits. Sometimes the Greek propositions are absent and the initials GR or GREC in Capital letters have been inserted at their place.
Regular abbreviations: Regular abbreviations.
my | ![]() | in Capital shape of m |
B (ff. 29r-56v) French Caroline of Saint-Amand which becomes less accurate from f. 45r up to f. 49v. Among the most characteristic shapes there are d in uncial form, g with close tail and reverse t at the end of the words. For Greek alphabet B employs multiple variations for the same letters, such as my in Uncial, Capital and western form.
Regular abbreviations: Regular abbreviations.
my | ![]() | more forms: in Uncial, Capital and western form |
lambda | ![]() | first stroke vertical rather then oblique |
C (ff. 57r-88v) Rounded French Caroline of Saint-Amand with vertical axis and slow ductus. D both in minuscule and in uncial shape, high and wide ligature between ct, closed by horizontal trait of t. Large module for Greek letters traced in the shape of the Latin letters: see alpha like a, my like Uncial and Capital m, but also in the western shape.
Regular abbreviations: Regular abbreviations.
my | ![]() | in Capital shape of m and in the western form |
D (ff. 89r-104v) French Caroline of Saint-Amand, medium module. Long f below the baseline, wide bow for the tail of g, r in the form of 2 after o. The copyist wrote few Greek letters, among them one can see a slender pi with long legs.
Regular abbreviations: Regular abbreviations.
pi | ![]() | slender shape with long legs |
E (ff. 105r-105) This copyist wrote just the three starting lines of the text in an elegant and rounded French Caroline.
F (ff. 105r-108v) Round and flatted Caroline. G has an open loop and n is in Capital form. He also uses the Latin letters for the Greek alphabet: uncial d for delta- and Rustic Capital m for my.
Regular abbreviations: Regular abbreviations.
delta | ![]() | in the form of Uncial d |
B (ff. 109r-120v)
Rubric (ff. 2r-120r) Most of the headings in the five units are traced in a red Rustic Capital: ff. 2r, 29r, 57rv, 61r, 63v, 65rv, 66r, 68r, 70v, 71r, 73r, 74v, 76rv, 77v, 78, 81r, 89r, 105r, 109r, 110r, 111r, 112rv, 113rv, 116rv, 117rv, 118rv, 119rv, 120r.
The five units forming the grammatical miscellany were set up in the Abbey of Saint-Amand in the second quarter of the 9th century (cf. Bischoff III, nr. 4450) and there they were probably merged into a single container. The book remained at the same abbey until the 12th century, as evidenced in two catalogs drawn up between 1123 and 1126 and between 1150 and 1168. The codex passed into the collection of Charles Dupuy, as indicated by the ownership note on f . 1r, and upon the death of his son Jacques it was purchased by the Bibliothèque royale in 1657. F. 1r still bears traces of the ancient signature 5496 and the red stamps of the Bibliotheca Regia (ff. 1r, 120v).
Owner(s): Charles Dupuy
Hand G: Slightly later hand intervened in the margins and between the script lines of the first unit adding notes and interpretamenta to Graeca. At the end of the Capitula this hand wrote the following sentece: Flaccus dicit. Quisquis deserte properat et recte percurrat artem prisciani pervigilLatin
Hand H: On ff. 88rv a slightly later hand inserted grammatical notes of which only the beginning and the end remain, as the lower part of f. 88 has been cut.Latin
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