Prisc. inst.

Prisc. inst. 30, 4-6 - 37, 4-6

Futurum quidem primae et secundae coniugationis a secunda 5persona abiecta s et addita bo solet fieri ut amas amabo. Idem fit in verbis quartae coniugationis in eo desinentibus ut eo is ibo. Tertiae vero coniugationis omnium verborum futurum et quartae in io desinentium fit a prima persona praesentis o finali conversa in am ut lego legam leges, audio audiam audies. Et notandum est, 10quod in nullo alio modo invenies in prima persona ante m litteram vocalem quae in aliam transeat in secunda persona nisi in supra dicto futuro. Omnis secunda persona imperativi praesentis temporis a secunda persona fit indicativi abiecta s; in tertia vero coniugatione etiam i in e correptam convertitur, ut amas ama, doces doce, legis lege, audis audi. Ideo autem i in e convertit tertia quia, debens 30, 5servare tempus quod habuit secunda indicativi persona, non poterat finalem i corripere; in omni enim verbo i in fine posita producitur. Tertia vero eiusdem imperativi persona fit a prima indicativi o finali in prima quidem coniugatione in et, in aliis ero in at conversa, ut amo amet, doceo doceat, lego legat, audio audiat. Haec 10autem eadem tertia persona abiecta t sed producta e vel a et ad||sumpta mus facit primam pluralem suam ut amet amemus, doceat doceamus, legat legamus, audiat audiamus. Secunda vero pluralis a singulari sua fit adiecta te syllaba, ut ama amate, doce docete, lege legite, audi audite. Et notandum quod in tertia coniugatione 15e finalis, quae loco i correptae ponitur, in plurali numero eiusdem personae in paenultimo loco, in quo licet i correptam inveniri, redit in i, ut legite. Tertia autem pluralis imperativi modi in omni coniugatione a singulari sua fit interposita n littera, ut amet ament, doceat doceant, legat legant, audiat audiant. Futurum imperativi 20secundae et tertiae personae commune est et fit adiecta secundae personae praesentis temporis to syllaba, ut ama amato, doce doceto, lege legito, audi audito. Hic quoque notandum est quod e finalis in i redit in paenultima syllaba propter supra dictam rationem, ut lege legito. Huic addentes te syllabam facimus secundam 25pluralem, ut amatote, docetote. Tertia vero pluralis futuri imperativi a tertia plurali praesentis indicativi in omni coniugatione fit adiecta o, ut amant amanto, docent docento, legunt legunto, audiunt audiunto, eunt eunto. 5Optativi modi praesens et praeteritum imperfectum in omni coniugatione fit a secunda persona imperativi adsumpta rem, ut ama amarem, doce docerem, lege legerem, audi audirem. Praeteritum vero perfectum et plusquamperfectum eiusdem modi fit a praeterito perfecto indicativi adsumente s et sem, ut amavi amavissem, 32, 10docui docuissem. Futurum optativi facimus primae personae indicativi o in em convertentes in prima coniugatione, in aliis vero in am, ut amo amem, doceo doceam, lego legam, audio audiam. Simile est praesens subiunctivi cum amem, doceam, legam, audiam. Praeteritum quoque imperfectum subiunctivi simile est praesenti et praeterito imperfecto optativi, cum amarem, docerem, legerem, audirem. Praeteritum perfectum subiunctivi a praeterito perfecto indicativi fit, quod mutat finalem i in e correptam et 32, 5adsumit rim ut amavi amaverim, docui docuerim, legi legerim, audivi audiverim. Idem est et futurum eiusdem modi, prima tantummodo persona mutante im in o, ut amaverim amavero amaveris amaverit amaverimus amaveritis amaverint; similiter docuerim docuero, legerim legero, audierim audiero. Plusquamperfectum subiunctivi 10simile est praeterito perfecto et plusquamperfecto optativi ut utinam amavissem cum amavissem, docuissem, legissem, audivissem. Infinitiva in omni coniugatione fiunt praesentis temporis secundae personae imperativi addita re, ut ama amare, doce docere, lege legere, audi audire. Praeteritum a praeterito perfecto et plusquamperfecto 33, 10optativi abiecta m fit ut amavissem amavisse, docuissem docuisse, legissem legisse, audivissem audivisse vel audiissem audiisse. Futurum vero per supinum in||um desinens et ire fit ut amatum ire, doctum ire, lectum ire, auditum ire, vel per participium futurum neutrum et esse ut amaturum esse, docturum esse, lecturum 15esse, auditurum esse. Participialia vel supina, quae tres casus videntur habere et loco infinitivi cum articulo coniuncti apud Graecos accipiuntur, nascuntur a participio praesentis temporis s in d conversa et addita i vel o vel um ut amans amandi amando amandum. Sunt et alia duo 34, 5quae ad formam participii praeteriti temporis desinunt in um vel in u, ut amatum amatu. Sed hoc interest inter amandum et amatum et inter amando et amatu, quod amandum necessitatem amoris significat, amatum autem itionem ad amorem; similiter amando in ipso amore, amatu vero pro amatione vel amore, id est pro ipsa re 10accipitur. Et haec manifestat etiam ipsa interpretatio Graeca quod superiora infinitivorum non solum cum articulo sed etiam cum praepositione vim habent, in hoc faciendo ν τ ποιεν, ad hoc faciendum πρς τ ποιεν (κα ποιητέον faciendum, pro oportet facere). Sequentium vero alterum cum praepositione 15Graeca et articulo infinitivum significat ut venatum ες τ κυνηγετσαι, vel magis pro ipsa re ad locum accipitur, venatum pro ad venationem quomodo et venatu pro venatione sicut miserabile visu pro visione, nec dictu affabilis 20pro dictione. Multis igitur modis, sicut et in aliis docuimus locis, nomina sunt haec accipienda magis quam verba, unde et praepositiones inveniuntur ante ea quae in dum desinunt, qui est accusativus, vel in do, qui est ablativus, positae, ut ad amandum et in amando. Passiva verba ex activis fiunt hoc modo. Omnia activa cuiuscumque coniugationis in quocumque tempore vel modo vel persona in o desinentia adsumunt r et faciunt passiva sua, ut amo amor amabo amabor amato amator amanto 35, 5amantor, doceo doceor docebo docebor doceto docetor docento docentor, lego legor legito legitor legunto leguntor, audio audior audito auditor audiunto audiuntor. Omnis secunda persona passiva in praesenti et praeterito imperfecto et futuro indicativi et optativi ab activa sua fit interposita ri, sed in tertia pro i paenultima 10e correptam habet; sed etiam ris in re conversa solet eadem secunda persona in omni coniugatione proferri ut amas amaris vel amare doces doceris vel docere, legis legeris vel legere, audis audiris vel audire. Quomodo autem docuimus in activo, sic etiam in passivo praesentis declinatio docet etiam reliquorum temporum absque 15praeterito perfecto et his quae ex hoc nascuntur per diversos modos declinationem, quae fit secundum unamquamque ex tribus coniugationibus. Tertia persona ab activa sua adiecta ur solet fieri, ut amat amatur, docet docetur, legit legitur, audit auditur; sed paenultima in||omnibus coniugationibus producitur excepta tertia. 20Pluralis prima et secunda persona a secunda activi abiecta s et addita mur et mini fiunt, ut amas amamur amamini, doces docemur docemini, legis legimur legimini, audis audimur audimini. Et in omni coniugatione paenultima primae personae, antepaenultima vero secundae producitur syllaba absque tertia coniugatione. Tertia 25vero persona pluralis ab activa sua fit adiecta ur, ut amant amantur, docent docentur, legunt leguntur, audiunt audiuntur. Quae vero in m desinunt activa primae personae per omnes coniugationes et modos in praesenti vel in praeterito imperfecto vel in futuro m in r convertentia faciunt passivum (nam praeteritum perfectum et plusquamperfectum per participia declinantur in passivis), 36, 5ut amabam amabar amarem amarer, docebam docebar docerem docerer, legebam legebar legerem legerer, audiebam audiebar audirem audirer, amem amer, doceam docear, legam legar, audiam audiar. Ceteras vero personas secundum praedictas regulas declinamus. Omne praeteritum perfectum et plusquamperfectum passivorum 37, 5vel similium passivis per participium praeteriti temporis et per sum verbum declinantur.

Critical apparatus

quidem primae] primae quidem D E F H K M Q Vaddita] adsumpta Q Xut] amo A B C E F K L M N T U Yamabo] doces docebo D I O U; et doces docebo E M N Sdesinentibus] dissinentibus B Nut] om. A C Yis] it E S Zconiugationis omnium] omnium coniugationis A C F Y‘‑io’] o F Tdesinentium] dissinentium B N; desinentis M Tpraesentis] temporis A I Qleges, audio audiam] legas B corr. U1 U; audio audiam leges A C Yest] om. C H I L Q U V Y Zsecunda] secundam C Q Tpersona] om. A B C F H K L Q YOmnis] De imperativo E F M N S T Uimperativi] modi B K U Vindicativi] modi D E H L O Q S Z‘‑i’] @_add._ E^1@@_add._ Z^1@ add. E1 E add. Z1 Zlegis lege, audis audi] om. A Y; audis audi legis lege H L Q‘‑i’] @_add._ E^1@ add. E1 E K Zconvertit] convertitur A E S T Utertia] tertiam V Z; coniugatio D Odebens] debet D K O V; debuit corr. M1 M Nsecunda] in E M N Tindicativi] modi H Qpoterat] potuerat E Sfinalem ‘‑i’] i finalem L Uprima] persona K L Uindicativi] persona H Q‘‑o’] conversa L T U Vfinali] finalem Q Uquidem] @_?_@ F ? Pconversa] om. T V; converso B C K O Ydoceat] et reliqua E L M N S Ulego legat, audio audiat] @_add._ C^1@ A add. C1 C E F H L M N Q S U Yeadem] om. H M T Zsuam] @_add._ D^1@ add. D1 D E I O S Zfit] persona D E I S Zadiecta] addita I O S Y Z‘‑te’] t M Vnotandum] nota B H K Q; est F Pin tertia coniugatione] tertiae coniugationis I O; coiugatione N Ploco] in I S T Zcorreptae ponitur] ponitur correptae E; ponitur correpta S; ut legis F Pnumero] om. A C F L P Ypersonae] @_corr._ D^1@ corr. D1 D Ein paenultimo loco] @_add._ M^1@ add. M1 M Nlicet] libet E Minveniri, redit in ‘‑i‑’, ut ‘legite’] invenire corr. A1 A F P; invenire ut legite e redit in i F P; reddit C H corr. I1 I P; om. A K L Y Z; ut lege legite B OTertia] tertie I Tpluralis] persona D E I O S U Zmodi] modo E corr. N1 Nconiugatione] coiugatione N Pfit] facit F Plittera] @_add._ C^1@ add. C1 C F Put] om. F Pdoceat] docet H L corr. V1 Vdoceant] doceat L corr. Z1 Zaudiat audiant] om. A C F P Ysecundae et tertiae personae] et F P; in secunda et tertia persona S Z; secunda et tertia persona Lcommune] ut amato tu amato ille N T; commone corr. M1 M N Padiecta] addita I O Y Zdoce doceto, lege legito, audi audito] om. A C L Y; om. H Q; om. U V; legeto F M; om. F H P QHic] hoc L Pnotandum est] om. F P; om. C Lrationem, ut ‘lege legito’] rationem audi audito A C H Q Y; @_add._ Z^1@ B K add. Z1 Z; audi audito D E P S Z; non legeto M N T; non legeto audi audito M Nhuic K U: hic cett.‘‑te’] t P Ssecundam pluralem] pluralem secundam A C D E F H I O P Q S Yut] personam D E M N O S T‘amatote, docetote’] amato amatote doceto docetote B F K V; legitote auditote D E I M N O S T U Zpluralis] persona D E O S Zconiugatione fit] coiugatione N P; facit coniugatione F; facit coiugatione P; fit coniugatione A C D E H Q S Yadiecta] addita C I O Zpraeteritum imperfectum] praeteriti imperfecti C Yfit a secunda persona imperativi] a secunda persona B K L U Vadsumpta] adsumente B I K L Oaudi audirem] custodi custodirem L Uvero] @_add._ U^1@ F L P add. U1 Ueiusdem] eius C Yadsumente] assumpta A C D L U V Ydocuissem] et cetera H L N Q U; et reliqua E M S Z; sic et reliqua O; legi legissem audivi audivissem B T V; legi legissem audivi audissem KFuturum] et A C Y; tempus F Pfacimus] faciamus F H N P Zprimae] a prima O Zpersonae] persona O Yconiugatione] coiugatione N Pdoceo] om. F K Paudio audiam] om. F P; om. A C YSimile] futuro quoque optativi B K; subiunctivo quoque optativi Tpraesens] tempus F Psubiunctivi] subiunctivum C D L S Y; subiunctativum E H M N U; subiuctativum Qsubiunctivi] subiunctativi E H M N S Z; subiuctativi Qest] @_add._ D^1@ A add. D1 D F P Ypraeterito] praeteriti E Y corr. Z1 Zimperfecto] imperfecti E corr. Z1 Zcum] ut B H K L P Q U; ut utinam amarem N Tsubiunctivi] subiunctativi E H corr. M1 M N Z; subiuctativi Qa] fit F P Ufit] @_add._ D^1@ A C add. D1 D E F P S Y Zmutat] motat E H M P‘‑i’] @_add._ F^1@ D add. F1 Fdocui] om. F Plegi legerim, audivi audiverim] om. F O P; audi E H M Q V; audii Z; om. A C I Y; audierim E H K M Q UIdem] item I Zest et] praeteritum E N S; om. I Z; om. H O Qfuturum] legi legerem audi audirem F S; lege legerem audi audirem Pmutante ‘‑im’ in ‘‑o’] convertente F P; im in o conversa M N; conversam E Samavero] @_add._ I^1@ A B C F H add. I1 I K M N Q T Yamaveris amaverit amaverimus amaveritis amaverint’; similiter ‘docuerim docuero, legerim legero, audierim audiero’] om. L V; amavero ris rit A B C F I Y; om. A C I Y; et E Z; mutat im in o ut D E Z; @_add._ Z^1@ A C D E I Y add. Z1 Z; amavero ris rit amaverimus ritis amaverint K M N TPlusquamperfectum] plusquamperfecto K Ysubiunctivi] subiunctativi E H corr. M1 M N Q U Zpraeterito] om. A C L Yplusquamperfecto] plusquamperfectum A B F H M N P R S T U Zut] @_add._ D^1@ add. D1 D E I Ycum ‘amavissem] om. A F N P Q Tdocuissem] cum E O S Uaudivissem] om. A C I Y; audissem F H P Q corr. S1 S; audiissem U; et reliqua M N TInfinitiva] infinita A corr. D1 D Vconiugatione] coiugatione N Psecundae personae] secunda persona I T Y; tantum a secunda persona O Zaddita] et E S; adiecta A F M N Plege legere, audi audire] om. A C I V YPraeteritum] perfectum K T Ua] infinitivi T Uoptativi] modi D E L M O Q optavi corr. S1 S T Z; modo Nfit] @_add._ N^1@ A F H I add. N1 N P Q Y Zdocuissem docuisse, legissem legisse, audivissem audivisse’ vel ‘audiissem audiisse’] @_add._ O^1@ L add. O1 O; om. C D E H I Q Y Z; audissem vel audivissem audisse vel audivisse H I Q; audissem audivissem audisse vel audivisse C; om. D E; et reliqua U; audisse et reliqua UFuturum] futuri M Ysupinum] sopinum F N P Y; sopinom Mdesinens] dissinens B Met] verbum B H K O Q T Vfit] om. A B C F H N P Q Ylectum ire] @_add._ C^1@ A add. C1 C F I L P V Yvel] om. F Pper] @_add._ D^1@@_add._ V^1@ A C add. D1 D E I L M N Q S T add. V1 V Y Zfuturum] futuri M P Tneutrum] neutri corr. O1 O T Yet] in rum C I O; in turum L Uamaturum] amatum add. D1 D add. O1 O Ydocturum esse] om. O Vlecturum esse] om. F L O Pauditurum esse] om. L OParticipialia] participalia E H I K L M N P Q S U corr. Z1 Zsupina] sopina F M N Pvidentur habere] habere videntur C D E I M N O S U Y Zinfinitivi] infiniti A F I Ytemporis] @_add._ C^1@@_add._ D^1@ A add. C1 C add. D1 D E I M N O S Y Z‘‑s’] @_add._ D^1@@_add._ E^1@@_add._ Z^1@ add. D1 D add. E1 E F add. Z1 Zvel ‘‑o’ vel ‘‑um’] vel um vel o C I L; m F Palia] alio H Qdesinunt] dissinunt B M‘‑um’] tum E S U Zvel] et D O‘‑u’] tu E S U Zinter ‘amandum’ et ‘amatum’ et inter ‘amando’ et ‘amatu’] inter amandum et amando et inter amatum et amatu B K M N; inter amandum amando ac amatum amatu Q; inter haec et inter amandum amando H Y; inter amandum amando amandum et; amando et inter amatum et amatu C1 C I; et inter amandum et mando E; inter amandum et amando Sautem] vero A D I O V Yitionem] itionem Keil; initiationem A C D H I K L O Q Y Z; initionem B E F M N P S Uamorem] amare B F H M N P S Tsimiliter] est B Kvel] pro B K T Uhaec] hoc A C K L N Q U Ymanifestat] manifestum F Petiam] om. F Particulo] articulis A F H M P T Yin] om. A D E F H I L M N O P U V Z; in C Ypro ‛oportet facere’] om. C I O Y; om. F Particulo] cum L T Vinfinitivum] infinitum A F L; infinito C Yut] @_add._ C^1@ add. C1 C Y‘εἰς τὸ κυνηγετῆσαι’] om. C I Yvel magis] vel ad hoc venatum magis F P‘ad locum’ accipitur] om. C I Y; accipitur ad locum O Z; nominis O Q Z‘venatum’] ut ad ad del. O1 O Q U; ut A S Z; ad E Vpro] om. F Pvenationem] venatione T Let ‘venatu’] ad venatum F P; @_add._ N^1@ add. N1 N O U; advenatu S Upro] in H Q‘venatione’] advenatione S Umiserabile] admirabile F H L O P Q S T U V Zpro] id est A H Qet] om. F Psunt haec accipienda] haec accipienda sunt D E M N S T V; @_add._ Z^1@ L add. Z1 Zet] @_add._ O^1@ add. O1 O Z‘‑dum’] um F P; vel in tum D M N O V Zdesinunt] dissinunt M N; dissinit B; desinit K‘‑do’] o M Nest] om. F Pad] @_add._ V^1@ Q add. V1 V; in B LPassiva] autem autem del. A1 A H Q; De passivis verbis T U; De passivi verbi regulis A C E F I regulis passivi verbi K L M N Q Y Zverba] om. C L I Ydesinentia] dissinentia B Met] @_add._ O^1@ D add. O1 O Zsua] om. C H I M Q Yamabo] @_add._ C^1@ add. C1 C Ydocebo] @_add._ C^1@ add. C1 C F I V Ydocebor] @_add._ C^1@ add. C1 C I Ydocento] om. K V; docendo B Qaudio audior audito auditor] @_add._ C^1@ add. C1 C Hpraeterito] in B H K O Qfuturo] in A B H K Qoptativi] obtativi F Tab] @_?_@ ? F P Yactiva sua] activo suo E Sfit] om. F Ptertia] coniugatione habet] habent Y corr. Z1 Z‘‑re’] e C I Yeadem] eandem F P Q‘amas amaris’ vel ‘amare’] @_add._ C^1@ add. C1 C I Yautem] @_add._ N^1@ I add. N1 Netiam] et A B D E K L Q Tpraesentis] temporis temporis del. A1 A N Q Tperfecto] om. A B C F H Q Yet] ex E Sdeclinationem] declinationum I M corr. N1 Nunamquamque] unam corr. A1 A B C D F L corr. Q1 Q T Uadiecta] addita I O S Zdocetur, legit legitur, audit auditur] om. A C F H I L O Q Y Z; et cetera A F H I O Q Zpaenultima] syllaba tertiae personae A Qexcepta] excepto B L Q Stertia] coniugatione A H L Q Z; coniugatione correpta V; tertia correpta E M N S T Ua secunda] @_add._ O^1@ B L add. O1 O; persona K Tactivi] activa A C Q Y; indicativi I Zaddita] adiecta C F Het ‘‑mini’] @_add._ V^1@ A add. V1 Vlegimini] sic A B C D E H K L M N O Q S V Y Zconiugatione] coiugatione N Psecundae] secunda C Zpersona pluralis] om. A I Z; pluralis persona D E L M N O S T Uadiecta] addita I O Sleguntur, audiunt audiuntur] @_corr._ C^1@ corr. C1 C Y; transeunt transeuntur transeunt transeuntur del. D1 D S; audiuntor transeunt transeuntur Edesinunt] ab E H Sactiva] activo H corr. Q1 Q; declinatione M Net] et B K O Uin] @_add._ V^1@ C K U add. V1 V Yvel] et D O Upassivum] passiva E I Snam perfectum et plusquamperfectum per participia declinantur in passivis] om. I O; @_add._ Q^1@ A C E F H K L P add. Q1 Q S V Y Z; om. F Taudirem audirer] audierem audierer F Iamem amer, doceam docear, legam legar, audiam audiar] @_add._ O^1@ I add. O1 O Z; om. C Yvero] autem I Opraedictas] supradictas C Yvel] et C Yper] om. C Q Ydeclinantur] ut soleo solitus vel communia vel dependentia F post commo(nia) folium abscissum est P

Linguistic layer

de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: future
amode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: future
eode verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: athematic
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: future
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĭ
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: future
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: future
audiode verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: future
amode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: tense: present
doceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: tense: present
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: tense: present
audiode verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: tense: present
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: present
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: subjunctive
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: present
amode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: subjunctive
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: present
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: subjunctive
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: present
doceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: subjunctive
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: present
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: mood: subjunctive
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: present
audiode verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: subjunctive
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: present
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: subjunctive
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: present
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: subjunctive
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: present
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: subjunctive
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: present
amode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: subjunctive
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: present
doceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: subjunctive
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: present
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: mood: subjunctive
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: present
audiode verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: subjunctive
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: present
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: tense: present
amode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: tense: present
doceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: tense: present
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: tense: present
audiode verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: tense: present
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: tense: present
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: tense: present
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: subjunctive
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: present
amode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: subjunctive
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: present
doceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: subjunctive
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: present
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: mood: subjunctive
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: present
audiode verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: subjunctive
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: present
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: future
amode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: future
doceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: future
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: future
audiode verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: future
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: future
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: future
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: tense: present
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: tense: future
amode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: tense: future
doceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: tense: future
de pronomine: personae: III
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: future
amode pronomine: personae: III
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: future
doceode pronomine: personae: III
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: future
lego, 2de pronomine: personae: III
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: future
audiode pronomine: personae: III
de verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: future
eode pronomine: personae: III
de verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: athematic
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: future
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
amode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
doceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
audiode verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
amode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: tempora: praeteritum perfectum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
doceo, 2de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: tempora: praeteritum perfectum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
audiode verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
audiode verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: tempora: praesens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
amode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
doceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
audiode verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
amode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: participialia
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: participle
doceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: participialia
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: participle
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: participialia
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: participle
audiode verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: participialia
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: participle
amode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
amode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
amode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
amode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
doceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
doceode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
doceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
audiode verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
doceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
audiode verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: imperativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: imperative
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
audiode verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
amode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
amode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
doceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
doceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
audiode verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
audiode verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
amode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
doceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
audiode verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
amode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
amode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
doceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
doceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
audiode verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
audiode verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
amode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
doceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
audiode verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: pluralis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: plural
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: III
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 3rd
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
amode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: praeteritum imperfectum
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: imperfect
morphology: voice: passive
amode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: coniunctivus/subiunctivus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: praeteritum imperfectum
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: subjunctive
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: imperfect
morphology: voice: passive
doceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: praeteritum imperfectum
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: imperfect
morphology: voice: passive
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: praeteritum imperfectum
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: imperfect
morphology: voice: passive
audiode verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: praeteritum imperfectum
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: imperfect
morphology: voice: passive
doceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: coniunctivus/subiunctivus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: praeteritum imperfectum
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: subjunctive
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: imperfect
morphology: voice: passive
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: coniunctivus/subiunctivus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: praeteritum imperfectum
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: mood: subjunctive
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: imperfect
morphology: voice: passive
audiode verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: coniunctivus/subiunctivus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: praeteritum imperfectum
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: subjunctive
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: imperfect
morphology: voice: passive
amode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: coniunctivus/subiunctivus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: subjunctive
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
doceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: indicativus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: mood: indicative
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive
audiode verbo: coniugationes: IV
de verbo: modi: coniunctivus/subiunctivus
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: I
de verbo: tempora: praesens
de verbo: vox: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: subjunctive
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 1st
morphology: tense: present
morphology: voice: passive

Witnessess layer

Futurum ~ ibo A B C D E F H I K L M N O Q S T U V X Y Z

Tertiae ~ futuro A B C D E F H I K L M N O Q S T U V X Y Z

Omnis ~ eunto A B C D E F H I K L M N O P Q S T U V X Y Z

Optativi ~ audiam A B C D E F H I K L M N O P Q S T U V Y Z

Praeteritum ~ audivissem A B C D E F H I K L M N O P Q S T U V Y Z

Infinitiva ~ esse A B C D E F H I K L M N O P Q S T U V Y Z

Participialia ~ amando A B C D E F H I K L M N O P Q S T U V Y Z

Passiva ~ audiuntur A B C D E F H I K L M N O P Q S T U V Y Z

Quae ~ declinamus A B C D E F H I K L M N O P Q S T U V Y Z

Omne ~ declinantur A B C D E F H I K L M N O P Q S T U V Y Z

Quotation layer

Verg. Aen. 3, 621