ἀδικοῦσι] ΑΔΙΚΟΙϹΙΜ OΤ neglecta aspiratione, vd. Rosellini 2015, praef. pp. CXLII-CXLIVαλαμπρότατα] ΛΑΜΡΤΡΟΤΑΤΑ αδεινότατα] ΔΙΝΟΤΑΤΑ ακινδυνεύομεν] ΚΥΝΔΙΝεΥΟΜεΝ αDemosthenes] ΛεΜΟϹΘεΝεΥ OCtesiphonte correctorR: c(a)esiphonte α; tesip h onte WQ; thesiphonte XUπάντας] nΑϹΤΑϹ ϹΥΝεΚΡΟΥε Oἑαυτοὺς] om.Oἐτάραττεν] εΤΑΡΑΝΤεΝ Omirantur] miratur (e Verg.)VXEDYut vid.Jverbo quod Rosellini servavit cl. 12, 4, 1 verbum ipsum primae personae et 17, 76, 2 verbis primae vel secundae personae coniungentes nominaα: verbi edd.ἀπέκτονα] ΑΝεΚΤΟΝΑ Oτὸν] ΓΟΝ γ‹...›] lacunam statuit (praeeunte quodammodo Hertz in appar. ad l.: «fort. locus ... mancus») in qua vb. ἐγγύτατα tamquam lemma ponendum: cf. Rosellini 2012b pp. 461-465Rosellinigenetivo et dativo VMante corr. ut vid. (ac u sa- in ras. scr. corr.) T (genetivo del. et accusativo scr. s. l.) R: et ante genetivo non habent codices, falso eis fere omnibus tribuit Hertz; genetivo (ve)l accusativo et dativo frg. Arg.; accusativo et dativo (vel genitivo s. l. WD) γQ; v(e)l accusativo & dat(ivo) (vel del.) O;non leg.Jiungitur βγO: iunguntur UMQe corr.TF; //iunguntur XXII Krehl: decimo Ald.van Putschen; nono decimo αφιλοψυχίας] ΦΙΑΨΥΧΙΑϹ OἩγησάνδρου Taylorpp. 634 et 635 adn. 6ScapulaKrehl: ΑΓΗϹΑΝΔΡΟΥ (sed εΙΓΗϹΑΝΔΡΟΥ 18, 238, 1) ακλήρου Taylorpp. 634 et 635 adn. 6Scapula: ΚΑΗΡΟΥ ατοῖς] ΤΟΥϹ OTM;Τ ΟϹ EἈγησιλάῳ] ΑΓεϹΙΛΑωΙ απολεμίων] ΤΙΟΛεΑΙΟΝ Oἡ] Ν ατετταράκοντα] ΤεΤΤεΡΑΚΟΝΤΑ αἘνδυμίωνι: ‘ὁτιὴ] ΑΝΑΥΜΙΟΝΙ ΟΤΗΥ Oφρουρῶ Scapula: ΦΡΟΥΡΑ αἘνδυμίωνα] ΤΟΝΑΥΜΙΟΝΑ Νε s. l.Ovirtutem erat e corr.TE: virtute mereat βO; virtutem (h)(a)ereat γpost corr.RO; virtutem mereat (et h(a)ereat in mg.) Qstabulis post corr.OQ: a stabulis ante corr.OW; salustius ante corr.Qteneret] tenerent correctorRQVerg. georg.1, 355praepositionis δEFUWDpost corr.RYJ: p(ro)positionis βMXIante corr.YJfrg. Arg.Ἐγκώμιον] εΓΚωΜΙΟΝ O; εΤΚωΜΙΟΝ βγΦιλιππικῷ] ΦΙΑΙΠΠΙΚωΙ αἈθηναῖοι] ΑεΗΝΑΙΟΙ αregum QUpost corr.TY: regnum αΔείναρχος] ΔΙΝΑΡΧΟϹ αcontemptissimi MKrehl: contemptissimis αἐγχειρητικώτερος] εΓΧεΙΡΙΤΙΚωΤεΡΟϹ ζ; εΤΧεΙΡΙΤΙΚωΤεΡΟϹ cett.τε Ald.: ε αἐγχειρητικώτερος] εΓΧεΙΡΙΤΙΚωΤεΡΟϹ β; εΤΧεΙΡΙΤΙΚωΤεΡΟϹ γ; εΤΧεΙΡΙΤΙΚωΤεΡΟ ζ; εΤεΧεΙΡΙΤΙΚωΤεΡΟϹ Oἀρετῆς] Cicero in verrinis experiens vir cf. Verr. II 4, 37 prompti hominis et experientis (Cluent. 23 A. Aurius, vir fortis et experiens; Hor. ep. 1, 17, 42 experiens vir)add. corr.Tadd. corr. (et inde .I. ignarus. exp(er)tus vero peritus) Radd. corr.YQVIIII] X e corr.frg. Arg.
ἑαυτοῦde constructione: reciprocatio/sui passio/ἰδιοπάθεια/refracticius de partibus or.: pronomen language: Greek: Attic syntax: pronoun: reciprocal construction ἑαυτοῦde constructione: reciprocatio/sui passio/ἰδιοπάθεια/refracticius de partibus or.: pronomen language: Greek: Attic syntax: pronoun: reciprocal construction ἑαυτοῦde constructione: reciprocatio/sui passio/ἰδιοπάθεια/refracticius de partibus or.: pronomen language: Greek: Attic syntax: pronoun: reciprocal construction inter suide partibus or.: pronomen language: Latin syntax: pronoun: reflexive inter suide partibus or.: pronomen language: Latin syntax: pronoun: reflexive inter suide partibus or.: pronomen language: Latin syntax: pronoun: reflexive inter suide partibus or.: pronomen language: Latin syntax: pronoun: reflexive ego, 2de pronomine: personae: I language: Latin morphology: person: 1st syntax: part of speech: pronoun ἐγώde pronomine: personae: I language: Greek: Attic morphology: person: 1st syntax: part of speech: pronoun ego, 2de pronomine: personae: I language: Latin morphology: person: 1st syntax: part of speech: pronoun ipsede pronomine: personae: I language: Latin morphology: person: 1st syntax: part of speech: pronoun ipse ego, 2de pronomine: personae: I language: Latin morphology: person: 1st syntax: part of speech: pronoun iuxtade partibus or.: adverbium de partibus or.: praepositio language: Latin syntax: part of speech: adverb syntax: part of speech: preposition propede partibus or.: adverbium de partibus or.: praepositio language: Latin syntax: part of speech: adverb syntax: part of speech: preposition ἐγγύςde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo language: Greek: Attic syntax: case syntax: genetive syntax: part of speech: adverb ἐγγύςde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo language: Greek: Attic syntax: case syntax: genetive syntax: part of speech: adverb ἐγγύςde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo language: Greek: Attic syntax: case syntax: dative: governed by adjectives propede praepositione: in appositione/separatione: cum accusativo language: Latin syntax: preposition: with accusative propede praepositione: in appositione/separatione: cum dativo language: Latin syntax: preposition: with dative propede praepositione: in appositione/separatione: cum accusativo language: Latin syntax: preposition: with accusative ἐγγύςde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo de partibus or.: adverbium language: Greek: Attic syntax: case syntax: genetive syntax: part of speech: adverb ἐγγύςde partibus or.: adverbium language: Latin syntax: part of speech: adverb ἐγγύςde partibus or.: adverbium language: Greek: Attic syntax: part of speech: adverb ἐγγύςlanguage: Greek: Attic ἐγγύςde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo de partibus or.: adverbium language: Greek: Attic syntax: case syntax: dative syntax: part of speech: adverb ἐγγύςde partibus or.: adverbium language: Greek: Attic syntax: part of speech: adverb propede praepositione: in appositione/separatione: cum accusativo language: Latin syntax: preposition: with accusative propelanguage: Latin syntax: preposition: with accusative de praepositione: in appositione/separatione: cum accusativo propelanguage: Latin syntax: preposition: with dative propelanguage: Latin syntax: preposition: with dative propelanguage: Latin syntax: preposition: with dative tenus, 2de praepositione: in appositione/separatione: cum ablativo language: Latin syntax: preposition: with ablative syntax: preposition: with genetive tenus, 2de praepositione: in appositione/separatione: cum ablativo language: Latin syntax: preposition: with ablative tenus, 2language: Latin syntax: preposition: with genetive ἐγκώμιος κατάde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo: cum praepositione language: Greek: Attic syntax: preposition: with genetive ἐγκώμιος κατάde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo: cum praepositione language: Greek: Attic syntax: preposition: with genetive dico, 2 laus in, 2de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo: cum praepositione language: Latin syntax: preposition: with accusative dico, 2 in, 2de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo: cum praepositione language: Latin syntax: preposition: with accusative ἐγκύκλιοςde partibus or.: nomen language: Greek: Attic semantics: definition syntax: part of speech: adjective ἐγκύκλιοςde partibus or.: nomen language: Greek: Attic semantics: definition syntax: part of speech: adjective in, 2 ordolanguage: Latin semantics: definition in, 2 ordolanguage: Latin semantics: definition extra ordolanguage: Latin semantics: definition ἐγχειρητικόςde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo language: Greek: Attic syntax: case syntax: genetive: objective ἐγχειρητικόςde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo language: Greek: Attic syntax: case syntax: genetive: objective expersde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo language: Latin syntax: case syntax: genetive: objective