Prisc. ars

Prisc. ars 18, 248, 2 - 18, 252, 2

Attici μοια τος et μοια τν. Θουκυδίδης Ζ: τ δ γένος τ τν Θρκν μοια τος μάλιστα το βαρβαρικο, ν ν θαρσ, φονικώτατόν στιν. Vergilius in bucolico: urbem quam dicunt Romam, Meliboee, putavi / stultus ego huic nostrae simi­lem. 5Terentius in eunucho: quid tibi ego multa dicam? Domini similis es[t]. Attici μοιός στι λόγος κα πρότερον ντ το οος κα πρότερον. Πλάτων Κρίτωνι: λλ, θαυμάσιε, οτός τ λόγος, ν διεληλύθαμεν, μοιγε δοκε τι μοιος εναι κα πρότερον ντ το οος πρότερον. Simile est illud Vergilia­num: 18, 5o socii, neque enim ignari sumus ante malorum, id est illorum quae pertulimus mala. (Et nota quod ex huiuscemodi structura Graeca frequenter Latini ac et atque in significatione similitudinis accipiunt, ut similis est haec oratio atque ante. Ver­gilius in III Aeneidos: haud secus ac iussi faciunt. Terentius in 18, 5Andria: ita tunc discedo ab illo ut qui se negat filiam daturum, id est ab huiuscemodi homine qualis est qui filiam neget. Facio atque ante feci pro sicut ante feci.) Attici ν τρόπον κα τρόπ κα ξ ο τρόπου κα καθ ν τρόπον. Nos quem ad modum et quomodo. νασθαι τοδε κα τόδε κα π τοδε. Πλάτων Χαρμίδ: πρ δ σο, ν δ γώ, Χαρμίδη, πάνυ γανακτ, ε σύ, τοιοτος ν τν δέαν κα πρς τούτ τν ψυχν σω[ν]φρονέστατος, μηδν νήσει π ταύτης τς 18, 5σωφροσύνης. Vergilius in VII: fruiturque deorum / colloquio. Iuvenalis in I: exul ab octava Marius bibit et fruitur dis / iratis, ac tu victrix, provincia, ploras? Similiter potior illius rei et illa re et illam rem. Cicero invectivarum II: rerum potiri volunt. Terentius in adelphis: ille alter sine labore patria potitur com­moda. Idem in eodem: miseriam omnem ego capio, hic potitur 18, 5gaudia. Sallustius in Iugurthino: priusquam legatos conveniret, Adherbalis potiretur. Vergilius in I: egressi optata potiuntur Troes harena. Illi σημέραι κα σαι μέραι. περείδης Δηλιακ: νταυθο θύεται τ πόλλωνι σημέραι κα μερς ατ κα δεπνον παρατίθεται. Hinc Romani cotidie vel quotidie pro quot dies et quotannis pro quotquot eunt anni. Attici σ χρόν. Μένανδρος μισογύν: χαρ, Γλυκέρα. ­Κα σύ. ­ Πολλοστ χρόν / ρ σε. Nos longo tempore. σφρται τοδε κα τόδε. Επολις αξίν: προσένεγκέ μοι γγς τ στόμα, σφραίνεσθαι τ σόν. Nos quoque olfacio il­lam rem. Terentius in adelphis: sinerem illum? Ac non sex totis mensibus / prius olfecissem quam ille quicquam coeperit? 18, 5Odoror quoque accusativo coniungitur. Lucanus in VII: mo­tumque cadavere caelum odorati Pholoen liquere leones. Attici ταν λθ de futuro dicunt. I[n]saeus etiam de praeterito: ταν λθ, εώθει παρ μο κατάγεσθαι et iterum: ταν λθω, παρ κείν κατηγόμην. Antiquiores tamen τ λθοι de praeterito dicunt. Λυσίας ν τ περ το Διογένους κλήρου: 18, 5Διογένει δ οκειότατα πάντων νθρώπων χρώμεθα, κα ως γε γίαινεν, ξ γρο πότε λθοι, παρ μν διαιττο.

Critical apparatus

γένος] ΓΟΝεϹ Oθαρσῇ] ΘΑΡϹΗΙ prob. Hertz (appar.), qui tamen θαρσήσῃ e Thuc. sumere maluit αes F corrector T R E: est αθαυμάσιε] ΘεΑΥΜΑϹΙε OΤΟ aspiratione neglecta; vd. Rosellini 2015, praef. p. CXLIII α: τε ὁ inde ab Ald. edd.διεληλύθαμεν] ΔΙεΛΗΛΧεΑΜεΝ Oὅμοιος] ΟΜΟΥϹ Oοἷος] ΟΙΟΥ Onegat filiam α filiam s. l. E: neget filiam F J O post corr. T Y; filiam neget e Ter. Ald. et edd.neget] negat edd.‘sicut ante feci’] sicut feci βκαὶ ‘ᾧ τρόπῳ’] (ve)l ut ΚΑΙ ΟΝ ΤΡΟωΙ Oτ‹ρ›όπον] τρόπον O post. corr. W; ΤΟΠΟΝ β γσοῦ Ald.: ΤΟΥ αδ’ ἐγώ] ΔΟΓω Oἀγανακτῶ] ΑΓΑΝΑΚΑΤΙΟ Oτοιοῦτος ὢν] ΤΟΥϹΙΤωϹ ΑΝ Oἰδέαν] εΙΔεΑΝ ασωφρονέστατος Ald.: ϹωΝΦΡÕεϹΤΑΤΟϹ (ϹωΝΦΡΟεΧΤΑΤΟϹ O) αμηδὲν] ΜεΔΟΝ Obibit e corr. Y edd.: vivit αpatria δ F U post corr. T R W D Y J: paria β γ post corr. O Qἐνταυθοῖ] εΝΤΑΥΘΙ Oδεῖπνον] ΔεΙΠΟΝ Oeunt post corr. T R: eum β­ Πολλοστῷ] ΠΜΟϹΤωΙ Oac non T R: om. βleones] post leones «Vsq(ue) ad hunc locum de gallico exemplari quod Aldus noster vivens magno pretio redemerat, descriptum est» adn. ed. Ald.ὅταν] ΟΝΤΑΝ O; ΟΝ ΤΑΝ WIsaeus van Putschen: insaeus α; ΙΝΓΑΙϹ F s. l. T Y; ΙΝΤΑεΙϹ U; ΙΝΓΑεΙϹ s. l. R; ΙΝΓεΥϹ Q in mg. Xὅταν] ΟϹϴΑΝ Oἐκείνῳ] εΚεΙΝΟΝ O; ΟΚεΙΝΟΝ WΟΤεΛΘΟΙ α: ὅτε ἔλθοι van Putschenκλήρου Spengel p. 631: ΚΛΗΡωΙ αΔιογένει] ΔΙΟΓεΝεΤΟε Oἀνθρώπων] ΑΝΟΡωΠωΝ αἐχρώμεθα] finit in textu (cf. adn. ad 18, 252, 1) Rδιαιτᾶτο] διῃτᾶτο van Putschen

Quotation layer

Thuc. 7, 29, 4 τὸ δὲ γένος] τὸ γὰρ γένος
θαρσῇ] θαρσήσῃ
Verg. ecl. 1, 19-20Ter. Eun. 496 Don. Ter. Eun. 496, 1 et 496, 2 Eugraph. Ter. Eun. 497 Prisc. ars 18, 26, 2

Plat. Crit. 48b2-4 καὶ πρότερον] καὶ πρότερος _vel_ τῷ καὶ πρότερον _vel_ τῷ πρότερον codd. Platonis
Verg. Aen. 1, 198

Verg. Aen. 3, 236 Claud. Don. Aen. 3, 236 Ps. Prob. cath. GL IV 21, 2­3 Prisc. part. 107, 22­-108, 1 Prisc. ars 16, 2, 4 et 18, 257, 3 Ter. Andr. 148-149 ita tunc discedo ab illo ut qui se negat filiam daturum] ita tum discedo ab illo, ut qui se filiam / neget daturum codd. (sic edd.) Prisc. ars 17, 32, 1
negat filiam] neget filiam Prisc. ars 17, 32, 4 (codd.)
filiam / neget codd. (sic edd.) Prisc. ars 17, 32, 1 Prisc. ars 17, 162, 4
cf. Prisc. ars 17, 32, 1; cf. 17, 32, 4 et cf. 17, 162, 4

Plat. Charm. 175d6-e1 ὀνήσει] ὀνήσῃ
Verg. Aen. 7, 90-91Iuv. 1, 49-50

Cic. Catil. 2, 19Ter. Ad. 871Ter. Ad. 876 Arus. 75, 17-18 Sall. Iug. 25, 10 Arus. 75, 14-15 Serv. Aen. 3, 278 Non. p. 498, 18-30 Verg. Aen. 1, 172

Hyperid. frg. 68 p. 125 Jensen cf. Hor. carm. 2, 14, 5

Men. frg. 240 Kassel-Austin χαῖρ’, ὦ Γλυκέρα. ­Καὶ σύ. ­Πολλοστῷ χρόνῳ / ὁρῶ σε] ὦ χαῖρε, Γλυκέρα. (Γλ.) καὶ σὺ πόλλ ̓. (A.) ὅσῳ χρόνῳ / ὁρῶ σε

Eup. frg. 7 Kassel­-Austin ὀσφραίνεσθαι] ὀσφρέσθαι
Ter. Ad. 396-397 ac non] aut non
coeperit] coeperit _aut_ coeperet codd. Prisc. ars 10, 7, 5 (coeperet)
cf. Prisc. ars 10, 7, 5 cf. Don. Ter. Ad. 397
cf. Lucan. 7, 827; et 830

Is. frg. 34 Thalheim [frg. 7 p. 243 Baiter­-Sauppe]Is. frg. 34 Thalheim [frg. 7 p. 243 Baiter­-Sauppe]Lys. or. 35 frg. 29 Thalheim (85 Carey) διαιτᾶτο] διῃτᾶτο

Linguistic layer

ὅμοιοςde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: case syntax: dative: governed by adjectives
ὅμοιοςde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: case syntax: dative: governed by adjectives
similisde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: dative: governed by adjectives
similisde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: genetive
ὅμοιοςde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: case syntax: genetive
ὅμοιοςde partibus or.: nomen
language: Greek: Attic
semantics: synonym
syntax: part of speech: adjective
ὅμοιοςde partibus or.: nomen
language: Greek: Attic
semantics: synonym
syntax: part of speech: adjective
antede constructione: defectio/ellipsis
de partibus or.: adverbium
language: Latin
syntax: ellipsis/omission
syntax: part of speech: adverb
atque, acde partibus or.: coniunctio
language: Latin
syntax: clauses and sentences: comparative
syntax: part of speech: conjunction
atque, acde partibus or.: coniunctio
language: Latin
syntax: clauses and sentences: comparative
syntax: part of speech: conjunction
atque, acde partibus or.: coniunctio
language: Latin
syntax: clauses and sentences: comparative
syntax: part of speech: conjunction
de constructione: defectio/ellipsis
language: Latin
syntax: ellipsis/omission
atque, acde partibus or.: coniunctio
language: Latin
syntax: clauses and sentences: comparative
syntax: part of speech: conjunction
ὅς, 1
τρόποςde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: case syntax: accusative: adverbial
ὅς, 1
τρόποςde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: case syntax: dative
ὅς, 1
τρόποςlanguage: Greek: Attic
syntax: preposition: with genetive
ὅς, 1
τρόποςde praepositione: in appositione/separatione: cum accusativo
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: preposition: with accusative
quemadmodumde partibus or.: adverbium
language: Latin
syntax: part of speech: adverb
quomodode partibus or.: adverbium
language: Latin
syntax: part of speech: adverb
ὀνίνημιde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo
de constructione: intransitive
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: case syntax: genetive
syntax: verb: intransitive
ὀνίνημιde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
de constructione: intransitive
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: case syntax: accusative: with intransitive verbs
syntax: verb: intransitive
ὀνίνημιde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
de constructione: intransitive
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: case syntax: accusative: with intransitive verbs
syntax: preposition: with genetive
syntax: verb: intransitive
ὀνίνημιde constructione: intransitive
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: preposition: with genetive
syntax: verb: intransitive
fruorde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
de constructione: intransitive
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: governed by verbs
syntax: verb: intransitive
fruorde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
de constructione: intransitive
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: governed by verbs
syntax: verb: intransitive
potior, 1de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo
de constructione: intransitive
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: genetive: governed by verbs
syntax: verb: intransitive
potior, 1de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
de constructione: intransitive
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: governed by verbs
syntax: verb: intransitive
potior, 1de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
de constructione: intransitive
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: governed by verbs
syntax: verb: intransitive
potior, 1de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo
de constructione: intransitive
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: genetive: governed by verbs
syntax: verb: intransitive
potior, 1de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo
de constructione: intransitive
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: genetive: governed by verbs
syntax: verb: intransitive
potior, 1de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
de constructione: transitio/transitus/transitivus/transitive
language: Latin
syntax: verb: transitive
potior, 1de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
de constructione: transitio/transitus/transitivus/transitive
language: Latin
syntax: verb: transitive
potior, 1de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
de constructione: transitio/transitus/transitivus/transitive
language: Latin
syntax: verb: transitive
ὁσημέραιde adverbio: significatio: ordinativa
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: part of speech: adverb
ἡμέραde adverbio: significatio: ordinativa
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: part of speech: adverb
ὁσημέραιde adverbio: significatio: ordinativa
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: part of speech: adverb
cottidiede adverbio: significatio: ordinativa
language: Latin
syntax: part of speech: adverb
quotannisde adverbio: significatio: ordinativa
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: part of speech: adverb
χρόνοςde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: case syntax: dative
χρόνοςde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: case syntax: dative
tempusde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: of place where, of time when
ὀσφραίνομαιde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo
de constructione: intransitive
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: case syntax: genetive: governed by verbs
syntax: verb: intransitive
ὀσφραίνομαιde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
de constructione: transitio/transitus/transitivus/transitive
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: verb: transitive
ὀσφραίνομαιde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
de constructione: transitio/transitus/transitivus/transitive
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: verb: transitive
olfaciode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
de constructione: transitio/transitus/transitivus/transitive
language: Latin
syntax: verb: transitive
de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
de constructione: transitio/transitus/transitivus/transitive
language: Latin
syntax: verb: transitive
odororde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
de constructione: transitio/transitus/transitivus/transitive
language: Latin
syntax: verb: transitive
odororde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
de constructione: transitio/transitus/transitivus/transitive
language: Latin
syntax: verb: transitive
ὅτανde constructione: verborum constructiones: c. subiunctivo
language: Greek: Attic
ὅτανde constructione: verborum constructiones: c. subiunctivo
language: Greek: Attic
ὅτανde constructione: verborum constructiones: c. subiunctivo
language: Greek: Attic
ὅτεde constructione: verborum constructiones: c. optativo
language: Greek: Attic
ὁπότεde constructione: verborum constructiones: c. optativo
language: Greek: Attic