Aristophanes θχFIRQ: c(h)ristophanes βEMO; cristhophanes Y;om.UJ;deestfrg. Marb.παύσαιο] ΠΑΥϹεΟ αδιαλάθῃς] ΔΙΑΛΑΘεΙϹ α;(λάθῃς Aristoph. sed fort. διαλάθῃς iam erat in fonte Prisc.); vd. ad 18, 264, 1διαρραγείς] ΔΙΑΡΡΑΓΗϹ αgeorgicon IIΙ codd.: in III georgicor. van Putschen; in III georgicon Krehl; III georgicon HertzVergilius] in vb. Verg(ilius) def. Frg. Marb.ἀνάγκη ἤδη α: om.ERO; ἀνάγκη δή e Plat.van Putschenτελευτᾶν e Plat.van Putschen: ΤεΛεΥΤΑ ατὴν ἡμέραν αvan Putschen: ἡμέραν taciteHertz; τήνδε ἡμέραν Krehlτῇ] ΤΗ O; ˜ΙΗΙ β; ΓΗΙ (ΗΙ M;om. W) γ[est] Hertz: om.R; simile est Virgilianum van Putschenin ...: ‘ictum] in ictum βMJ; in XI ictum Y; in XII ictum FUR (sic corr.) TX; ictum EIWDὑστεραίᾳ Hertz: ΥΤεΡΑΙΑ α; ὑστεραίας Scaligerp. 746van PutschenKrehlhoc] supervac., fort. delendum, vel potius pro hoc scribendum[nocte et] Rosellini: et nocte post 2 priore die transp.Krehl;in vb. nocte rursus inc.frg. Marb.egeris QFRJe corr.TXYOfrg. Marb.: tegeris αIsocrates Lat. litt.αἈρχιδάμῳ] ΑΡΧΙΔΑΜΙ βἔσε‹σ›θαι] ἔσεσθαι Scaligerp. I' ν; εϹεΘΑΙ αΔημοσθένης] Demost(h)enes Lat. litt.δRκατ’] ΚΑΤ Ifrg. Marb.van Putschen; ΚΤ cett.ἐνταῦθα Scaligerp. 746: εΝΤΑΥΘεΑ α‘καλὴν τὴν ὥραν’] Gr. lemma editoribus suspectum, sed sanum mihi videtur (cf. totam sententiam loci Sall.); Καλὴ νὴ τὴν κόραν Scaligerp. 746van Putschen
Sall. Catil. 20, 10 pro deum atque hominum fidem, victoria nobis in manu est] verum enim vero, pro deum atque hominum fidem, victoria in manu nobis est, viget aetas, animus valet; contra illis annis atque divitiis omnia consenuerunt
Linguistic layer
τέως ἕως (B)de partibus or.: adverbium de partibus or.: coniunctio language: Greek: Attic syntax: part of speech: adverb syntax: part of speech: conjunction interea dum, 2de partibus or.: adverbium de partibus or.: coniunctio language: Latin syntax: part of speech: adverb syntax: part of speech: conjunction τέως ἕως (B)de partibus or.: adverbium de partibus or.: coniunctio language: Greek: Attic syntax: part of speech: adverb syntax: part of speech: conjunction interea dum, 2de partibus or.: adverbium de partibus or.: coniunctio language: Latin syntax: part of speech: adverb syntax: part of speech: conjunction interea dum, 2de partibus or.: adverbium de partibus or.: coniunctio language: Latin syntax: part of speech: adverb syntax: part of speech: conjunction ἕως (B)de partibus or.: coniunctio language: Greek: Attic semantics: synonym syntax: part of speech: conjunction intereade partibus or.: adverbium language: Latin semantics: definition syntax: part of speech: adverb intereade partibus or.: adverbium language: Latin semantics: synonym syntax: part of speech: adverb τελευτάω βίοςlanguage: Greek: Attic semantics: synonym τελευτάω βίοςlanguage: Greek: Attic semantics: synonym finio vitalanguage: Latin semantics: synonym ἡμέραde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo language: Greek: Attic syntax: case syntax: dative ἡμέραde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo language: Greek: Attic syntax: case syntax: genetive ἡμέρα παράde praepositione: in appositione/separatione: cum accusativo language: Greek: Attic syntax: preposition: with accusative ἡμέρα κατάde praepositione: in appositione/separatione: cum accusativo language: Greek: Attic syntax: preposition: with accusative ἡμέραde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo language: Greek: Attic syntax: case syntax: accusative: extent, duration νύξde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo language: Greek: Attic syntax: case syntax: dative νύξde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo language: Greek: Attic syntax: case syntax: genetive νύξ παράde praepositione: in appositione/separatione: cum accusativo language: Greek: Attic syntax: preposition: with accusative νύξ κατάde praepositione: in appositione/separatione: cum accusativo language: Greek: Attic syntax: preposition: with accusative νύξde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo language: Greek: Attic syntax: case syntax: accusative: extent, duration noxde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo language: Latin syntax: case syntax: accusative: extent, duration noxde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo language: Latin syntax: case syntax: accusative: extent, duration ἐπινίκιος θύω (A)language: Greek: Attic semantics: synonym foedus, 2 icolanguage: Latin semantics: synonym ὑστεραῖος ἡμέραde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo language: Greek: Attic syntax: case syntax: dative προτεραῖος ἡμέραde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo language: Greek: Attic syntax: case syntax: dative πρότερος ἡμέραde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo language: Greek: Attic syntax: case syntax: dative pridiede adverbio: significatio: temporalia: praeteritum language: Latin syntax: part of speech: adverb postridiede adverbio: significatio: temporalia: futurum language: Latin syntax: part of speech: adverb prior diesde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo language: Latin syntax: case syntax: ablative: of place where, of time when posterus diesde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo language: Latin syntax: case syntax: ablative: of place where, of time when posterus diesde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo language: Latin syntax: case syntax: ablative: of place where, of time when superus diesde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo language: Latin syntax: case syntax: ablative: of place where, of time when superus noxde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo language: Latin syntax: case syntax: ablative: of place where, of time when τηλικόσδε ἡλίκοςde partibus or.: pronomen language: Greek: Attic syntax: correlation syntax: part of speech: pronoun τηλικόσδε ὅσοςde partibus or.: pronomen language: Greek: Attic syntax: correlation syntax: part of speech: pronoun τηλικόσδε ὅσοςde partibus or.: pronomen language: Greek: Attic syntax: correlation syntax: part of speech: pronoun hic qualisde partibus or.: pronomen language: Latin syntax: correlation syntax: part of speech: pronoun ἄλλωςde partibus or.: adverbium language: Greek: Attic syntax: part of speech: adverb aliusde partibus or.: adverbium language: Latin syntax: part of speech: adverb καλός ὥρα (C)language: Greek: Attic semantics: synonym language: Latin semantics: synonym