τιμῶ Scaligerp. 746: ΤΙωΜ αἀδίκημα Scaligerp. 746: ΑΔΚΗΜΑ αlis aestimat scr. et del. in TYα: lis aestimata (cf. ex. gr. Cic. Verr. 1, 38; 2, 3, 184; 2, 4, 22) ‑a del.Q;lacunam Rosellini statuit, qua et principium enuntiati sequentis (e. g. ‹ur. Et nota quod›) haustum estet γs. l.T: om.βδEJfrg. Marb.et] om.δpro XEIYQ: prout β (in pro corr. WD) θ (in pro corr.) OMJτοῦτο Krehl: ΤΟΥΤωΝ αμέλει Ferrip. 111: ΔεΙ ατούτων] ΤΟΥΤω̃ VX; ΤΟΥΤω cett.ἀπολογίᾳ] ΑΠΡΟΛΟΤΙΑ T; ΑΠ ΡΟΛΟΤΙΑ Vτιμωρήσεις van Putschen: ΤΙωΜΡΗϹεΙϹ β; ΤωΜΡΗϹεΙϹ (om. O) γmoriamur] moriemur sec. Verg. Aen. 2, 670RFUOpost corr.TXYποτὲ ἦν, ἃ ἔπραξας ex Aeschn.Ferri2014, p. 90 adn. 15: ΠΟΤεΝΝΑεΛεΓεϹ vel ΠΟΤεΝΝεΛεΓεϹ ατίνα suppl.Christ1862, p. 149Ferri2014, p. 90 adn. 15‘τι’] om. (s. l. XF) ζEIΠλάτων] Platon Lat. litt.Oἐπιταφίῳ] post ἐπιταφίῳ lacunam coni. Valente 2012, p. 318, fort. recte, sed locus iam mancus esse poterat in fonte Prisciani‘ἕνεκα’] τοῦ sed cf. Phot. τ 397 Theodoridis τοῦ: τίνος ἢ ἕνεκαKrehlrecepitHertzπροοιμίῳ] ΠΡΟΟΙΜεΙωΙ αζητῆσαί ποτε] ΖεΤε γἕνεκα ScapulaKrehl: εΝεΚΑΝ αζητῆσαί van Putschen: ΖΗϹΑΙ α; ξΗϹΑΙ TVXβοηθῆσαι] in hoc vb. def.frg. Marb.
Quotation layer
Verg. georg. 2, 425 Diom. GL I 454, 25-29 Serv. Aen. 11, 660 Prisc. ars 8, 24, 1; 8, 26, 5 et 8, 77, 3 Verg. Aen. 11, 660 Sacerd. ??? Diom. GL I 382, 4-5 Serv. Aen. 1, 4; 1, 104 et 1, 317 Non. p. 472, 7-8 Prisc. ars 8, 24, 1 et 8, 26, 5
Ter. Ad. 677-678 ista] istic Α Iuv. 8, 142
Plat. Apol. 28c6-7 τιμωρήσεις] εἰ τιμωρήσεις Schol. Plat. Bodl. Clark. 39 ad l. (f. 13v: B1 ) Verg. Aen. 4, 656Verg. Aen. 2, 670 moriamur] moriemur
Pers. 5, 88
cf. Aeschn. or. 3, 165Ter. Ad. 634
Plat. Symp. 175b1-2Ter. Andr. 447 subtristis visus est esse aliquid] subtristi’ visus est esse aliquantum mihi
cf. Prisc. ars 18, 209, 4; Phot. lex. τ 397 Theodoridis; Etym. Gen. AB s. v. τοῦThuc. 1, 23, 5Demosth. 18, 107 ἀναλῶσαι] ἀναλῶσαι ἄν
Linguistic layer
τιμάωde verbo: significationes: activa/recta de verbo: vox: activa language: Greek: Attic morphology: voice: active mereode verbo: significationes: activa/recta de verbo: vox: activa language: Latin morphology: voice: active populo, 1de verbo: significationes: activa/recta de verbo: vox: activa language: Latin morphology: voice: active nutriode verbo: significationes: activa/recta de verbo: vox: activa language: Latin morphology: voice: active bellode verbo: significationes: activa/recta de verbo: vox: activa language: Latin morphology: voice: active τιμάωde verbo: significationes: deponens de verbo: vox: passiva language: Greek: Attic morphology: voice: deponent mereode verbo: significationes: deponens de verbo: vox: passiva language: Latin morphology: voice: deponent populo, 1de verbo: significationes: deponens de verbo: vox: passiva language: Latin morphology: voice: deponent nutriode verbo: significationes: deponens de verbo: vox: passiva language: Latin morphology: voice: deponent bellode verbo: significationes: deponens de verbo: vox: passiva language: Latin morphology: voice: deponent nutriode verbo: significationes: deponens de verbo: vox: passiva language: Latin morphology: voice: deponent bellode verbo: significationes: deponens de verbo: vox: passiva language: Latin morphology: voice: deponent τιςde partibus or.: pronomen language: Greek: Attic syntax: correlation syntax: part of speech: pronoun quidamde partibus or.: pronomen language: Latin syntax: correlation syntax: part of speech: pronoun aliusde partibus or.: pronomen language: Latin syntax: correlation syntax: part of speech: pronoun hic illede partibus or.: pronomen language: Latin syntax: correlation syntax: part of speech: pronoun τιςde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: nominativo language: Greek: Attic syntax: case syntax: dative syntax: case syntax: nominative τις μέλωde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo language: Greek: Attic syntax: case syntax: dative syntax: case syntax: genetive: governed by verbs quis, 1de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo language: Latin syntax: case syntax: dative quis, 1de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo language: Latin syntax: case syntax: dative τιμωρέωde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo: commodi vel incommodi/ad gratiam vel utilitatem alicuius vel contra aliquid de constructione: transitio/transitus/transitivus/transitive language: Greek: Attic syntax: case syntax: dative syntax: verb: transitive ulciscorde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo de constructione: transitio/transitus/transitivus/transitive language: Latin semantics: definition syntax: verb: transitive inultus, 1language: Latin semantics: definition vindicolanguage: Latin semantics: definition vindictalanguage: Latin semantics: definition vindictalanguage: Latin semantics: definition adsertiolanguage: Latin semantics: definition τις εἰμίde constructione: ad sensum pertinentia language: Greek: Attic syntax: agreement: notional/constructio ad sensum τις εἰμίde constructione: ad sensum pertinentia language: Greek: Attic syntax: agreement: notional/constructio ad sensum aliquis aperiode constructione: ad sensum pertinentia language: Latin syntax: agreement: notional/constructio ad sensum τιςde constructione: abundantia/pleonasmus/supervacuum language: Greek: Attic syntax: pleonasm τιςde constructione: abundantia/pleonasmus/supervacuum language: Greek: Attic syntax: pleonasm aliquisde constructione: abundantia/pleonasmus/supervacuum language: Latin syntax: pleonasm ἀγαθόςde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo language: Greek: Attic syntax: case syntax: genetive bonusde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo: commodi vel incommodi/ad gratiam vel utilitatem alicuius vel contra aliquid language: Latin syntax: case syntax: dative πλείωνde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo language: Greek: Attic syntax: case syntax: genetive prosapia imago stipendiumde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo language: Latin syntax: case syntax: genetive de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo de verbo: modi: infinitus language: Greek: Attic syntax: case syntax: genetive syntax: verb: infinitive: adnominal ζητέωde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo de verbo: modi: infinitus language: Greek: Attic syntax: case syntax: genetive syntax: verb: infinitive: adnominal ποιέωde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo de verbo: modi: infinitus language: Greek: Attic syntax: case syntax: genetive syntax: verb: infinitive: adnominal