Prisc. ars

Prisc. ars 18, 297, 4 - 18, 300, 2

Attici τούτ τ χρόν τόδε γίνεται κα τούτου το χρόνου κα ν τούτ τ χρόν κα τοτον τν χρόνον κα κατ τοτον τν χρόνον. Omnia haec et apud nostros invenis. Vergilius in VIIII: nocte super media tuti sub matribus agni / 5balatum exercent. Cicero Verrinarum I: ut cum illius temporis mihi venit in mentem. Idem de signis: venit enim mihi fani, loci, regionis illius in mentem. Attici τ περ ρθρον, τ παράπαν, τ τήμερον, τ παραχρμα, τ ατίκα. Nostri quoque adverbiis est quando casualia adiungunt, ut Persius: euge tuum et belle; nam belle hoc excute totum. Idem: hesternum cras abiit. Vergilius: mane 18, 5novum et sponte sua, et Lucanus in I: tu satis ad vires Romana in carmina dandas. Attici τοτον τν τρόπον κα τούτου το τρόπου ποιομεν τόδε. Sallustius in Catilinario: cum domos atque villas videas in urbium modum exaedificatas. Θουκυδίδης δευτέρ: ως μν τν τρόπον τοτον νομοθέτουν. Illi τρίτ μέρ κα τρίτην μέραν τόδε πραττον, pro nu­dius tertius. Hinc Romani tertio et tertium kalendas vel nonas vel idus vel kalendarum, nonarum, iduum pro in tertio ante kalendas vel nonas vel idus. Cicero in I invectivarum: memi­nistine 18, 5me in ante diem duodecimum kalendarum Novembrium dicere in senatu, fore in armis certo die, qui dies futurus esset in ante diem sextum kalendarum Novembrium pro in diem sex­tum kalendarum Novembrium ante. Frequentius tamen accusa­tivo adiunguntur et per ellipsin praepositionis. Attici πακούοντες ατος κα ατν. Δημοσθένης Φιλιππικν III: πήκουε δ ταύτην τν χώραν χων ατος βασιλεύς. Et pro Ctesiphonte: τοίμως πηκούσατε τ Φιλίππ. Hinc Romani oboedio tibi et ausculto tibi. Sallus­tius 18, 5in Catilinario: quae natura prona atque ventri oboedientia finxit pro obaudientia. Terentius in Andria: Pamphilumne adiutem an auscultem seni? Attici πήκοοι σαν ατος κα ατν. Ξενοφν παιδείας Δ: δι κα πήκοοι τν σσυρίων σαν. Hinc Romani dic­to audiens tibi sum. Attici πέρ etiam pro περί accipiunt, sicut et nos super pro de. Demosthenes Philippicorum ΙΙΙΙ: ε μν περ καινο τινς πράγματος προτίθετο, θηναοι, σκοπεν. Et post pauca: πειδ δ πρ ν ερήκασιν οτοι πρότερον. Vergilius in I: 18, 5multa super Priamo rogitans, super Hectore multa. Attici περέχει τοδε κα τόνδε. Πλάτων περ ψυχς: κα τ δίπηχυ το πηχυαίου μεζον εναι δι τ μισυ ατο περέχειν. Hinc Romani dimidio superat. Unde Iuvenalis in V: par[t]es quod vendere possis / pluris dimidio. Similiter prae­stat 18, 5pro superat. Vergilius in XII: ibo animis contra, vel mag­num praestet Achillem, pro superet. Idem in I: gradiensque deas supereminet omnes. Illi περορ τοδε κα τόνδε. Δημοσθένης κατ Τιμοκράτους: τοσοτον περεδεν παντα. Romani ad accusativum despicio et contemno et aspernor illum.

Critical apparatus

τοῦ suppl. Krehlmatribus e Verg. δ ζ θ E I J R Y post corr. T: maribus β L M Jbalatum post corr. T M: bulatum β ante corr. MVerrinarum] in Verrinarum sed cf. e. g. 17, 160, 3 θ O M Hertzut cum (ex ipso Prisc., vd. ll. laud. ad 18, 276, 1, vel e Cic.) post. corr. Y: vatum (unde Quaest. gramm. ex cod. Bern. 83, GL Suppl. 172, 19 cum vatum illius temporis venit in mentem) ατό Scaliger p. 748: Τ (eras.) V (del.) X E M; om. L T W sc. R Ocasualia] causalia T M; causualia V post corr. Tvires romana post corr. T: viris roma β Mcarmina] carmine β O M Jτούτου] ΤΟΥΤΟΥ Τω ΙΡΟΠΟΥ L; τούτῳ τῷ τρόπῳ Spengel pp. 610-611 HertzΘουκυδίδης δευτέρᾳ: ‘ἕως μὲν τὸν τρόπον τοῦτον ἐνομοθέτουν’] verba e Thuc. 2, 34, 1 (ἐποιήσαντο ... τρόπῳ τοιῷδε) et nomen Demosthenis excidisse putabat Spengel (pp. 610-611), sed fortasse iam in fonte Prisciani totum lemma corruptum erat ἔπραττον] ΕΠΡΤΟΝ Lin] t(e)rtio V Krehl Hertzesset] es s(ed) Laccusa­tivo adiunguntur] adiungitur accussativo corr. LΦιλιππικῶν] ΦΙΛΙΠΠΙΚΟΝ αχώραν] ΚΑΙΡΑΝ LΒΑϹΙΛΕΥϹ V M: ΒΑϹΙΛεΙϹ cett.; om. R OCtesiphonte] ΚΤεϹΙΦΟΝΤε Lὑπηκούσατε cum Demosth. Scapula Krehloboedientia] oboedentia Lδιὸ] ΔΙ̃Ϲ Ldicto sc. e 18, 115, 2 Q F R post. corr. T Y: dic β (corr. in dictu X, in dicunt D) γ O; dicunt L U; non leg. J; om. IPhilippicorum] philippicar(um) Lπροὐτίθετο, ὦ] ΠΡΟΤΙΘεΤω Ϲ LἈθηναῖοι] ΑΟΗΝΑΙΟΙ αΠλάτων] ΠΛΑΤΑΙΝ Lδιά Krehl: ΔΑ αἥμισυ] ΝΜΙϹϒ αdimidio] dimedio Lpares e Iuv. codd. recentiores edd.: partes corr. in portes X α; portes Udimidio] dimedio LXII sicut 18, 275, 1 α: II van Putschen; XI Krehlpraestet post corr. R W: praestat ante corr. R Y W D; vd. supra ad 18, 275, 1 ὑπερεῖδεν] ΟΥΠεΡεΙΔεΝ L

Quotation layer

Verg. Aen. 9, 61-62 Serv. Aen. 9, 61 Arus. 91, 5-6 Cic. div. in Caec. 41 illius temporis mihi] illius mihi temporis
Cic. Verr. II 4, 110 regionis] religionis

Pers. 1, 49Pers. 5, 68 hesternum cras abiit] iam cras hesternum consumpsimus
Serv. Aen. 5, 19 Rem. Autiss. in Don. min. 31, 2-9
Verg. georg. 3, 325 Serv. in Don. GL IV 416, 19­-25 et GL IV 428, 20-31 Serv. Aen. 4, 341 et 5, 19 Pomp. GL V 136, 2­-6 et GL V 255, 35-256, 2­ Rem. Autiss. in Don. min. 31, 4 Prisc. ars 11, 7, 3; 14, 17, 2; 15, 32, 5 et 17, 69, 1 Verg. Aen. 7, 204 Serv. georg. 2, 11 Brev. Expos. Verg. georg. 2, 11 Prisc. ars 11, 7, 3; 14, 17, 2; 15, 10, 6; 15, 32, 5 et 17, 69, 1 Lucan. 1, 66 Prisc. ars 15, 23, 1; 15, 32, 5 et 17, 168, 3

Sall. Catil. 12, 3 cum domos atque villas videas] quom domos atque villas cognoveris
immo. Demosth. 20, 91 ἕως μὲν τὸν τρόπον] τέως τὸν τρόπον

cf. Xenoph. Cyr. 6, 3, 11 cf. Or. frg. A 79 Alpers Zonar. 1744, 21 Titt­mann Cic. Catil. 1, 7 in ante diem] ante diem codd. (sic edd.) Prisc. ars 18, 218, 1

Demosth. 3, 24 Lex. Coisl. υ 1 Petrova Demosth. 18, 20Sall. Catil. 1, 1 Arus. 73, 14-15 Ter. Andr. 209

Xenoph. Cyr. 4, 2, 1 τῶν Ἀσσυρίων ἦσαν] ἦσαν τῶν Ἀσσυρίων
cf. Cic. Verr. II 1, 114 Diom. GL I 314, 8­-9 Dosith. ??? Aug. ars ??? Prisc. ars 18, 115, 2

Demosth. 4, 1 ὦ Ἀθηναῖοι, σκοπεῖν] ὦ ἄνδρες Ἀθηναῖοι, λέγειν
Demosth. 4, 1 ὑπὲρ ὧν εἰρήκασιν] ὑπὲρ ὧν πολλάκις εἰρήκασιν
Verg. Aen. 1, 750 Serv. Aen. 1, 750; 2, 506 et 10, 42 Audax GL VII 355, 20­-25 Char. 299, 12-13 et 303, 7-11 Diom. GL I 413, 13­-14 Don. min. 601, 12­-14 Don. mai. 651, 4 Dosith. 49, 1­-2 Serv. in Don. 420, 16­-17 Arus. 91, 7-8 Schol. Hor. carm. 1, 9, 5 Aug. ars 29, 16 Cledon. ??? Pomp. GL V 277, 24­-27 Beda orth. l. 999 Iul. Tol. ars 107, 101-108 Petr. Pis. gramm. exc. GL Suppl. 170, 25­-29 Rem. Autiss. in Don. min. 88, 14-21 Prisc. ars 14, 40, 4; 14, 52, 2 et 18, 171, 1

Plat. Phaed. 96e3-4 ἥμισυ] ἡμίσει
Iuv. 14, 200-201 par[t]es] pares
Verg. Aen. 11, 438Verg. Aen. 1, 501

Demosth. 24, 9 τοσοῦτον ὑπερεῖδεν] τοσοῦθ’ ὑπερεῖδεν S F Lex. Coisl. υ 10 Petrova
Lex. Coisl. υ 10 Petrova

Linguistic layer

χρόνοςde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: case syntax: dative
χρόνοςde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: case syntax: genetive
χρόνοςlanguage: Greek: Attic
syntax: preposition: with dative
χρόνοςde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: case syntax: accusative: extent, duration
χρόνοςde praepositione: in appositione/separatione: cum accusativo
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: preposition: with accusative
super, 2de praepositione: in appositione/separatione: cum ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: preposition: with ablative
in, 2
mensde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: genetive: governed by verbs
in, 2
mensde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: genetive: governed by verbs
ὄρθροςde constructione: variatio: partes pro partibus: adverbium pro nomine
de praepositione: in appositione/separatione: cum accusativo
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: nominalization/substantivization
syntax: preposition: with accusative
παράπανde constructione: variatio: partes pro partibus: adverbium pro nomine
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: nominalization/substantivization
syntax: part of speech: adverb
σήμερονde constructione: variatio: partes pro partibus: adverbium pro nomine
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: nominalization/substantivization
syntax: part of speech: adverb
παραχρῆμαde constructione: variatio: partes pro partibus: adverbium pro nomine
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: nominalization/substantivization
syntax: part of speech: adverb
αὐτίκαde constructione: variatio: partes pro partibus: adverbium pro nomine
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: nominalization/substantivization
syntax: part of speech: adverb
eugede constructione: variatio: partes pro partibus: adverbium pro nomine
language: Latin
syntax: nominalization/substantivization
syntax: part of speech: interjection
crasde constructione: variatio: partes pro partibus: adverbium pro nomine
language: Latin
syntax: nominalization/substantivization
syntax: part of speech: adverb
mane, 2de constructione: variatio: partes pro partibus: adverbium pro nomine
language: Latin
syntax: nominalization/substantivization
syntax: part of speech: adverb
spontede constructione: variatio: partes pro partibus: adverbium pro nomine
language: Latin
syntax: nominalization/substantivization
syntax: part of speech: adverb
satisde constructione: variatio: partes pro partibus: adverbium pro nomine
language: Latin
syntax: nominalization/substantivization
syntax: part of speech: adverb
τρόποςde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: case syntax: accusative
τρόποςde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: case syntax: accusative
τρόποςde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: case syntax: genetive: of quality
in, 2
modusde praepositione: in appositione/separatione: cum accusativo
language: Latin
syntax: preposition: with accusative
ἡμέραde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: case syntax: dative
ἡμέραde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: case syntax: accusative: extent, duration
ὑπακούωde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: case syntax: dative: governed by verbs
ὑπακούωde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: case syntax: dative: governed by verbs
ὑπακούωde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: case syntax: dative: governed by verbs
oboediode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: dative: governed by verbs
auscultode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: dative: governed by verbs
oboedientiade constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: dative
auscultode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: dative: governed by verbs
ὑπακούωde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: case syntax: genetive: governed by verbs
ὑπήκοοςde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: case syntax: dative: governed by adjectives
dico, 2
audiode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: dativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: dative: governed by adjectives
ὑπήκοοςde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: case syntax: genetive
ὑπήκοοςde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: case syntax: genetive
ὑπέρlanguage: Greek: Attic
syntax: preposition: with genetive
super, 2de praepositione: in appositione/separatione: cum ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: preposition: with ablative
περίlanguage: Greek: Attic
syntax: preposition: with genetive
ὑπέρlanguage: Greek: Attic
syntax: preposition: with genetive
super, 2de praepositione: in appositione/separatione: cum ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: preposition: with ablative
ὑπερέχωde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo
de constructione: intransitive
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: case syntax: genetive: governed by verbs
syntax: verb: intransitive
ὑπερέχωde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
de constructione: transitio/transitus/transitivus/transitive
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: verb: transitive
ὑπερέχωde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo
de constructione: intransitive
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: case syntax: accusative: relation
syntax: case syntax: genetive: governed by verbs
syntax: verb: intransitive
superode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: of respect/of specification
multusde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: ablativo
language: Latin
syntax: case syntax: ablative: of comparison
praesto, 1de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
de constructione: transitio/transitus/transitivus/transitive
language: Latin
syntax: verb: transitive
praesto, 1de constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
de constructione: transitio/transitus/transitivus/transitive
language: Latin
syntax: verb: transitive
superemineode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
de constructione: transitio/transitus/transitivus/transitive
language: Latin
syntax: verb: transitive
ὑπεροράωde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: genetivo
de constructione: intransitive
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: case syntax: genetive: governed by verbs
syntax: verb: intransitive
ὑπεροράωde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
de constructione: transitio/transitus/transitivus/transitive
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: verb: transitive
ὑπεροράωde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
de constructione: transitio/transitus/transitivus/transitive
language: Greek: Attic
syntax: verb: transitive
despiciode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
de constructione: transitio/transitus/transitivus/transitive
language: Latin
syntax: verb: transitive
contemnode constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
de constructione: transitio/transitus/transitivus/transitive
language: Latin
syntax: verb: transitive
aspernorde constructione: casuum/ad casus c.: accusativo
de constructione: transitio/transitus/transitivus/transitive
language: Latin
syntax: verb: transitive