Ps. Palaem. reg. 3, 3 (p. 49, 5-13) - 3, 12 (p. 53, 14-22)
5Principalia verba sunt autem activa, passiva, neutra,
6communia, deponentia. De ceteris vero dicemus istis catholicis
7et generalibus explicatis. Activa sunt quibus nos agere aliquid
8significamus, ut ‘lego legis legit’, ‘scribo scribis scribit’.
9Passiva sunt quae de activis nascuntur, quibus nos pati aliquid
10enuntiamus, ut ‘legor legeris legitur’, ‘scribor scriberis scribitur’.
11Neutra sunt quibus nos nec agere nec pati aliquid
12monstramus, ut ‘sedeo’, ‘iaceo’, ‘sto’ et alia, in quibus nullum
13negotium est nec agendi nec patiendi.
13Communia sunt
14quae in ‘or’ exeunt, numquam in ‘o’, et tam agere quam pati
15significant, ut ‘criminor illum’ et ‘criminor ab illo’, nec enim
16dicimus ‘crimino illum’. Deponentia sunt quod deponant speciem
17activitatis et cum passive enuntientur, id est ‘r’ littera, nil
18tamen patiuntur, sed agunt solum, ut ‘luctor luctaris luctatur’,
19‘convicior’, ‘loquor’, ‘nascor’ et ceteria talia.
1Sane illud monemus:
2quomodo in nominibus maior quantitas est masculini
3et feminini generis, minor neutri et communis, sic et in
4verbis multa sunt activa, multa aeque passiva, non tanta neutralia
3, 5nec communia nec deponentia. Ac per hoc regula activorum
6passivorumque in immensum tenditur, ceterorum vero
7verborum regulae a diligentibus colliguntur.
4Ergo diximus de generibus verborum, quot sint; nunc
3, 5dicendum de coniugationibus, per quarum regulas omnia verba
6sine offensione funduntur. Quas coniugationes si quis diligenter
7animadverterit, quasi ex vado vitiorum emergens citius
8ad portum Latinitatis accedet.
8Quaerendum est autem
9de illis quot sint, quae sint, ubi quaerantur, quo proficiant, id
10est quid te doceant cavere. Sunt autem tres, ‘as’, ‘es’, ‘is’; haec
11tertia tam correpta est quam producta, sed correpta aliam vim
12habet potestatis suae, producta aliam.
12Diximus quot sint et
13quae sint: dicendum est ubi quaerantur. Quaeruntur autem in
14indicativo modo, in tempore praesenti, secunda persona, ante
15novissimam litteram, sed in activis et neutralibus; in aliis vero
16tribus verbis, passivis, communibus et deponentibus, ante
17novissima syllabam, quod ut scias post apertius intimabo.
18Dixi nihilominus ubi quaerendae sunt: restat quarta pars, quae
19nos docet quare inventae sunt, id est ob quam utilitatem. Earum
20igitur utilitas duplex est: docet te de futuro tempore,
21quando in ‘am’ syllabam exeat, quando in ‘bo’; docet iterum
22infinitum modum, quando corripiatur, quando producatur.
1Ergo redeamus ad primam coniugationem et de eadem
2lucidius tractemus. Prima coniugatio, quae est ‘aʼ, quaeritur
3in activis et neutralibus verbis, ut diximus, ante novissimam
4litteram in secunda persona; venit ab his quattour modis:
3, 5ab ‘oʼ, ut ‘clamo clamas clamatʼ, ab ‘eoʼ, ut ‘commeo commeas
6commeatʼ, ab ‘ioʼ, ut ‘lanio lanias laniatʼ, ab ‘uoʼ, ut ‘fluctuo
7fluctuas fluctuatʼ. Ergo, si videris secundam personam per
8‘asʼ exire, intellege primam coniugationem esse, ut ‘clamo clamasʼ,
9‘lanio laniasʼ, ‘fluctuo fluctuasʼ, ‘commeo commeas’.
7Cognoscis utique primam esse; iam quid te doceat hinc attentius
8considera, ut, talia cum inveneris, in ‘boʼ mittas futurum
9tempus ipsorum, ut ‘clamaboʼ dicas, ‘laniaboʼ, ‘aestuaboʼ,
3, 10‘commeaboʼ. Ecce docui te de [futuro tempore] promissivo
11modo; doceo te et quia producere debes cum dicis ‘clamareʼ,
12‘laniareʼ, ‘aestuareʼ, ‘commeareʼ, ut ante ‘reʼ novissimam ‘aʼ litteram
13producas semper.
14Diximus de prima; dicamus et de secunda, quae dicitur
15‘eʼ, quae venit ab uno modo, id est ab ‘eoʼ tantum, ut ‘terreo
16terresʼ, ‘doceo docesʼ, ‘praebeo prebesʼ, ‘sedeo sedes’. Ergo
17et haec quomodo superior parem regulam dat, ut promissivum
18modum in ‘boʼ mittat, ut ‘terreboʼ, ‘doceboʼ, ‘praebeboʼ,
19‘sedeboʼ, et sic omnia huius regulae observabis. Sic et infinitum
20modum producit quomodo prima coniugatio, ut dicamus
21‘terrereʼ, ‘docereʼ, ‘monereʼ, ‘sedereʼ. Ergo duae istae parem
22regulam habent.
Quotation layer
cf. Ps. Aug. reg. 3, 9 (p. 77, 14-19)
Critical apparatus
principalia verba sunt autem O: sunt autem principalia verba A μexplicatis A μ: explicitis Oenuntiamus A μ: denuntiamus Oneutra O: neutralia A μnec agendi nec patiendi A μ: agendi et patiendi (an recte?) Odicimus A μ: dicitur Oactivitatis] et sumant passivitatis unde ... deponant speciem passivitatis et sumant activitatis μ αnil O: nihil A μconvicior O: convivor A μloquor nascor O: conloquor nanciscor A; loquor nanciscor μest] om. Ominor neutri O: neutri vero minor A μaeque] et Atanta A μ: tamen Onec A μ: et Oac A: hac O; at vel et μin inmensum A μ: inmensum Oquot μ: quod A Odicendum] id Odiligenter animadverterit O: animadverterit diligenter A μvado A μ: vada Oaccedet A μ: accedit Oquot Rosellini: om. A μ; quod Oubi O: et ubi Atres] om. A μas es is vd. Rosellini 2001, comm. ad loc. O: a e i sed A μcorrepta A μ: corrupta Oest quam A μ: adque Oproducta aliam O: aliam producta A μquot A μ: quod Oest] om. Oquaeruntur A μ: queritur Opost] om. A μnihilominus O: enim A μquaerende sunt O: quaerendum sit A μexeat] et Obo A μ: bum ut vid. Ovenit] quae Out clamo A μ: clamo Ouo A μ: u Oprimam A μ: prima Ote doceat hinc A μ: docet hic O‘commeaboʼ] om. Odocui A μ: docuit O[futuro tempore] Rosellini: de futuro tempore promissivo modo O; promissivi modi futuro tempore promissivi e promissui corr. A; de promissivo tempore μdoceo te et] ante doceo te exspectes de infinito modo vel sim. aliquid; om. O‘laniareʼ] om. Olitteram producas O: littera produci possit A πdicamus O: dicendum μ; om. Aet] s.l. add. Oid est A μ: in e Osedes] habeo habes A μpromissivum modum A μ: promissivo modo Out] om. A μ‘sedeboʼ] habebo A; habebo μet infinitum modum O: etiam in infinitum A; etiam infinitum μ
Linguistic layer
lego, 2de verbo: significationes: activa/recta
language: Latin
morphology: voice: active
scribode verbo: significationes: activa/recta
language: Latin
morphology: voice: active
lego, 2de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: voice: passive
scribode verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: voice: passive
sedeode verbo: significationes: neutra/neutralis/absoluta
language: Latin
iaceode verbo: significationes: neutra/neutralis/absoluta
language: Latin
stode verbo: significationes: neutra/neutralis/absoluta
language: Latin
de verbo: significationes: communis
language: Latin
criminorde verbo: significationes: communis
language: Latin
criminorde verbo: significationes: communis
language: Latin
de verbo: significationes: deponens
language: Latin
morphology: voice: deponent
luctorde verbo: significationes: deponens
language: Latin
morphology: voice: deponent
conviciorde verbo: significationes: deponens
language: Latin
morphology: voice: deponent
loquorde verbo: significationes: deponens
language: Latin
morphology: voice: deponent
nascorde verbo: significationes: deponens
language: Latin
morphology: voice: deponent
de verbo: coniugationes: I
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
de verbo: coniugationes: II
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
de verbo: coniugationes: III
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĭ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: tense: future
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: tense: future
de verbo: coniugationes: I
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
de verbo: coniugationes: I
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
clamode verbo: coniugationes: I
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
de verbo: coniugationes: I
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
commeode verbo: coniugationes: I
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
de verbo: coniugationes: I
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
lanio, 1de verbo: coniugationes: I
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
de verbo: coniugationes: I
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
fluctuode verbo: coniugationes: I
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
clamode verbo: coniugationes: I
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
lanio, 1de verbo: coniugationes: I
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
fluctuode verbo: coniugationes: I
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
commeode verbo: coniugationes: I
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: tense: future
clamode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: tense: future
lanio, 1de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: tense: future
aestuode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: tense: future
commeode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: tense: future
clamovocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
lanio, 1vocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
aestuovocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
commeovocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
vocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
de verbo: coniugationes: II
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
de verbo: coniugationes: II
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
terreode verbo: coniugationes: II
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
doceode verbo: coniugationes: II
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
praebeode verbo: coniugationes: II
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
sedeode verbo: coniugationes: II
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: tense: future
terreode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: tense: future
doceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: tense: future
praebeode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: tense: future
sedeode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: tense: future
terreovocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
doceovocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
moneovocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
sedeovocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
language: Latin
morphology: voice: active
scribode verbo: significationes: activa/recta
language: Latin
morphology: voice: active
lego, 2de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: voice: passive
scribode verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: voice: passive
sedeode verbo: significationes: neutra/neutralis/absoluta
language: Latin
iaceode verbo: significationes: neutra/neutralis/absoluta
language: Latin
stode verbo: significationes: neutra/neutralis/absoluta
language: Latin
de verbo: significationes: communis
language: Latin
criminorde verbo: significationes: communis
language: Latin
criminorde verbo: significationes: communis
language: Latin
de verbo: significationes: deponens
language: Latin
morphology: voice: deponent
luctorde verbo: significationes: deponens
language: Latin
morphology: voice: deponent
conviciorde verbo: significationes: deponens
language: Latin
morphology: voice: deponent
loquorde verbo: significationes: deponens
language: Latin
morphology: voice: deponent
nascorde verbo: significationes: deponens
language: Latin
morphology: voice: deponent
de verbo: coniugationes: I
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
de verbo: coniugationes: II
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
de verbo: coniugationes: III
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĭ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: tense: future
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: tense: future
de verbo: coniugationes: I
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
de verbo: coniugationes: I
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
clamode verbo: coniugationes: I
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
de verbo: coniugationes: I
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
commeode verbo: coniugationes: I
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
de verbo: coniugationes: I
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
lanio, 1de verbo: coniugationes: I
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
de verbo: coniugationes: I
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
fluctuode verbo: coniugationes: I
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
clamode verbo: coniugationes: I
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
lanio, 1de verbo: coniugationes: I
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
fluctuode verbo: coniugationes: I
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
commeode verbo: coniugationes: I
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: tense: future
clamode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: tense: future
lanio, 1de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: tense: future
aestuode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: tense: future
commeode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: tense: future
clamovocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
lanio, 1vocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
aestuovocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
commeovocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
vocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
de verbo: coniugationes: II
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
de verbo: coniugationes: II
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
terreode verbo: coniugationes: II
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
doceode verbo: coniugationes: II
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
praebeode verbo: coniugationes: II
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
sedeode verbo: coniugationes: II
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: tense: future
terreode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: tense: future
doceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: tense: future
praebeode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: tense: future
sedeode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: tense: future
terreovocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
doceovocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
moneovocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
sedeovocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length