Ps. Palaem. reg.

Ps. Palaem. reg. 3, 13 (p. 53, 23 + p. 55, 1-4) - 3, 22 (p. 59, 12-15)

Remanet tertia coniugatio, quae tam producta est i quam correpta, quae et ipsa quaeritur ubi et superiores, sed in activis, ut diximus, et neutralibus verbis. Venit autem ab his modis: ab o, ut lego legis, scribo scribis, ab io, ut rapio 5rapis, facio facis, ab uo, ut ruo ruis, fluo fluis. Ergo 3, 5haec quid te docet nisi ut futurum tempus in am mittas, non in bo quomodo superiores? Et facit futurum in am, ut faciam, scribam, legam, ne dicas faciebo, scribebo, legebo, quia tertia coniugatio in am semper promissivum mittit. Quam coniugationem, ut dixi, quaeris in secunda persona ante 10novissimam litteram. 10Infinitum vero modum corripit, ut legere, scribere, facere, ruere, non quemadmodum superiores producunt. Quantum existimo apertius dictum est de tertia correpta. Nunc attende quae sit ratio tertiae productae vel quomodo 15potest discerni a tertia correpta, cum utraque in uno i constent, quod ante novissimam litteram inventurus es, ut puta exempli gratia dicimus fugio fugis et sentio sentis: secundae personae ambarum formarum per is exeunt quia et fugis per is et sentis per is; unde habet intellegi an correpta 20est tertia an producta? Sed intellegitur sic, id est de imperativo modo: si exit in i a tertia producta venit, ut sentio sentis imperativum senti facit, haurio hauris imperativum hauri facit, servio servis imperativum servi facit; tertia vero correpta, licet simili forma exeat in secunda scilicet 3, 5persona, tamen et haec discernitur de ipso imperativo quem semper in e mittit, ut fugio fugis fuge facit, scribo scribis scribe facit. Ergo discernuntur sic, quia correpta in e mittit imperativum, producta in i. Sed quid docet 3, 5ipsa tertia producta? Attende futurum tempus: et in am exit et in bo, sed magis in am, ut puta de futuro si dicamus et serviam et servibo et nesciam et nescibo; sed magis in am mittit, ut dixi, quam in bo. Infinitum vero producit semper, ut puta haurire, sentire, servire, nescire. Nam regula 10est ut imperativis modis activorum et neutralium verborum, a quacumque coniugatione, addas re syllabam et faciat infinitum, ut puta a prima coniugatione exit imperativus in a, ut clama, voca, lania, adicis re et facit clamare, laniare, vocare; a secunda coniugatione exit imperativus in e 15productum, huic adicis re et facit infinitum, ut mone monere, doce docere, praebe praebere; a tertia coniugatione correpta exit imperativus in e correptum, huic adice re et facit infinitum, ut scribe scribere, lege legere, tolle tollere; a tertia coniugatione producta imperativus exit in i, huic 20adice re et facit infinitum, ut servi servire, audi audire, hauri haurire. Sed quaestio est de dic et fac, numquid adiecta re integre sonavit infinitus. Sed usus plurimum valuit: nam recte dice et face legimus. Nam Vergilius dixit dice et Terentius face, quibus si adicias re facient integre sonare infinitum 3, 5modum dicere et facere. Abunde dicta sunt de coniugationibus activorum seu 3, 5neutralium, quae quaeruntur, ut diximus, in secunda persona ante novissimam litteram. Nunc restat de passivorum et communium et deponentium verborum coniugationibus dicere, quae quaeruntur in secunda persona ante novissimam syllabam, non litteram, ut puta clamor clamaris, ante ris a est, 10prima coniugatio, quae in bor habet mittere promissivum, ut clamabor clamaberis clamabitur clamabimur clamabimini clamabuntur; in communibus primae coniugationis, ut puta criminor criminaris: ante ris a est, in bor habet mittere promissivum, ut criminabor criminaberis criminabitur criminabimur 15criminabimini criminabuntur;

Critical apparatus

est] om. O‘i’] om. A μ: consensus codd. Mπet ipsa] i Oet O M S: etiam A π: consensus codd. νξvenit autem A μ: consensus codd. Mπ: veniant Odocet A μ: consensus codd. Mπ: docent Onisi] om. A μ: consensus codd. Mπin am O: am A μ: consensus codd. Mπne (sent. mut. ν) A M: nec O S ξ: consensus codd. VW(X)promissivum A μ: consensus codd. Mπ: promissimum Oquem ad modum O: quomodo A μ: consensus codd. Mπexistimo O: est immo A; estimo M; corruptum π: consensus codd. νξnunc A μ: consensus codd. Mπ: nam Oconstent A μ: consensus codd. Mπ: consistunt Osecunde persone O: secunda persona A μ: consensus codd. Mπest tertia O: om. est postea add. A; sit μ: consensus codd. Mπimperativum O: imperativo A μ: consensus codd. Mπfacit A μ: consensus codd. Mπ: faciet Oimperativum O: imp A; imperativo μ: consensus codd. Mπfacit A μ: consensus codd. Mπ: faciat ut vid. Oimperativum O: imp A; imperativo μ: consensus codd. Mπin secunda scilicet persona] om. persona s. l. add. A μ: consensus codd. Mπquem A μ: consensus codd. Mπ: qui Oscribo scribis scribe O: ruo ruis rue A μ: consensus codd. Mπsic] s. l. add. Oet A μ: consensus codd. Mπ: om. Oin am exit O: iam A μ: consensus codd. Mπsi dicamus O: sic dicimus A μ: consensus codd. Mπet serviam O: servio serviam A μ: consensus codd. Mπnesciam et nescibo O: nesciam nescibo A μ: consensus codd. Mπdixi A μ: consensus codd. Mπ: dixit O‘servire’, ‘nescire’] fort. recte om. Oimperativis modis O: imperativus modus perativus in ras. al. m. A; ad imperativum modum post syllabam (l. 3) transp. μ: consensus codd. Mπneutralium A μ: consensus codd. Mπ: neutralibus Oa quacumque coniugatione O: ad quamcumque coniugationem A; in quacumque coniugatione μ: consensus codd. Mπfaciat A: facit O; om. μ: consensus codd. Mπfacit A μ: consensus codd. Mπ: facis Oimperativus in e productum O: imperativum productum in e e fort. ex ē corr. A; imperativus productus in e μ: consensus codd. Mπinfinitum ut servi O: servi A; infinitivum servi μ: consensus codd. Mπsonavit A O: sonaverit M N S ξ: consensus codd. VW(X); sonuerit B Rusus O: usu( ) fort. usum A; in hoc usu μ: consensus codd. Mπdixit A μ: consensus codd. Mπ: de Odicere et facere O: dicere facere A μ: consensus codd. Mπseu neutralium que O: neutraliumque A μ: consensus codd. Mπin secunda persona] om. A μ: consensus codd. Mπut puta] unde Aclamaris A μ: consensus codd. Mπ: clamoris Oclamabimur A μ: consensus codd. Mπ: clamabimus Oconiugationis post corr. A μ: consensus codd. Mπ: coniugationibus ante corr. A O

Linguistic layer

vocalis: brevis/correpta
vocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĭ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
de verbo: coniugationes: III
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
scribode verbo: coniugationes: III
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
de verbo: coniugationes: III
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĭ
rapiode verbo: coniugationes: III
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĭ
faciode verbo: coniugationes: III
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĭ
de verbo: coniugationes: III
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
ruode verbo: coniugationes: III
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
fluode verbo: coniugationes: III
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĭ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: tense: future
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĭ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: tense: future
faciode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĭ
morphology: tense: future
scribode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: tense: future
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: tense: future
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĭ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: tense: future
lego, 2vocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
scribovocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
faciovocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĭ
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
ruovocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
vocalis: brevis/correpta
vocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĭ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
fugiode verbo: coniugationes: III
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĭ
sentiode verbo: coniugationes: III
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĭ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
fugiode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĭ
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĭ
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
sentiode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
vocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: imperative
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
sentiode verbo: coniugationes: III
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
sentiode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: imperative
hauriode verbo: coniugationes: III
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
hauriode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: imperative
serviode verbo: coniugationes: III
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
serviode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: imperative
vocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĭ
morphology: mood: imperative
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
fugiode verbo: coniugationes: III
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĭ
fugiode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĭ
morphology: mood: imperative
scribode verbo: coniugationes: III
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
scribode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: mood: imperative
vocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĭ
morphology: mood: imperative
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
vocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: imperative
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: tense: future
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: tense: future
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: tense: future
serviode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: tense: future
serviode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: tense: future
nesciode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: tense: future
nesciode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: tense: future
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: tense: future
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: tense: future
hauriovocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
sentiovocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
serviovocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
nesciovocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: imperative
clamode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: imperative
vocode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: imperative
lanio, 1de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: mood: imperative
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
clamode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
lanio, 1de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
vocode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
vocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: imperative
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
moneode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: imperative
moneode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
doceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: imperative
doceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
praebeode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: mood: imperative
praebeode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
vocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĭ
morphology: mood: imperative
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
scribode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: mood: imperative
scribode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: mood: imperative
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
tollode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: mood: imperative
tollode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
vocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: imperative
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
serviode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: imperative
serviode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
audiode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: imperative
audiode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
hauriode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: mood: imperative
hauriode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
dico, 2de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: mood: imperative
faciode verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: mood: imperative
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
dico, 2de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: mood: imperative
faciode verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: mood: imperative
de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
dico, 2de verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
faciode verbo: modi: infinitus
language: Latin
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
dico, 2de verbo: modi: imperativus
language: Latin
morphology: mood: imperative
clamode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: voice: passive
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: voice: passive
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: voice: passive
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: significationes: passiva
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
clamode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: significationes: passiva
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
criminorde verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: significationes: communis
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: significationes: communis
language: Latin
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: significationes: communis
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: significationes: communis
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: tense: future
criminorde verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: significationes: communis
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: tense: future

Quotation layer

Verg. ???Ter. ???