Ps. Palaem. reg. 3, 23 (p. 59, 15-19) - 4, 1 (p. 63, 10-14)
15in deponentibus
16primae coniugationis, ut puta ‘luctor luctaris’: ante ‘ris’
17‘a’ littera est, prima coniugatio, quae in ‘bor’ mittit promissivum
18modum, ut ‘luctabor luctaberis luctabitur luctabimur
19luctabimini luctabuntur’.
20Diximus de prima coniugatione passivorum et communium
21deponentiumque verborum, quae ante novissimam
22syllabam quaeritur. Nunc dicendum et de secunda coniugatione
23ipsorum verborum, quae similiter illic quaeritur ubi et
24prima. In passivis, ut ‘moneor moneris’: ante ‘ris’ ‘e’ invenimus,
25quae est secunda coniugatio, quae exit in ‘bor’, ut ‘monebor
26moneberis monebitur monebimur monebimini monebuntur’;
1in communibus, ut ‘vereor vereris’: ante ‘ris’
2‘e’ invenis, quae mittit in ‘bor’, ut ‘verebor vereberis verebitur
3verebimur verebimini verebuntur’ (commune est enim ut
4dicimus ‘vereor te’ et ‘vereor a te’); in deponentibus, ut ‘medeor
3, 5mederis’: ante ‘ris’ ‘e’ invenis, quae mittit in ‘bor’, ut
6‘medebor medeberis medebitur medebimur medebimini medebuntur’.
6Remanet tertia coniugatio, cuius locum implevit ‘e’
7littera correpta, ut puta in passivis ‘legor legeris’: ante ‘ris’ ‘e’
8est, sed quia correptum est locum tenet pro ‘i’ ac per hoc,
9quoniam ‘e’ correptum est, quod cedit pro ‘i’, quomodo in
10activis promissivum modum in ‘am’ mittit, non in ‘bo’, sic in
11passivis in ‘ar’ mittit, non in ‘bor’; sic in communibus ‹ut puta
12… ; in deponentibus›, ut puta ‘sequor sequeris’: ante ‘ris’
13‘e’ correptum est pro ‘i’ correpto, mittit promissivum in ‘ar’,
14ut ‘sequar’ dicas, non ‘sequebor’.
15Remanet tertia coniugatio producta, ut puta in passivis,
16ut ‘nutrior nutriris’: ante ‘ris’ ‘i’ productum est, ergo,
17quia tertia est, exit in ‘ar’, ut dicamus de futuro ‘nutriar’, quia
18producta est, exit in ‘bor’, ut dicamus ‘nutribor’. Haec ergo
19sic observabis et in communibus et deponentibus.
20vero modus ipsorum verborum, a prima coniugatione
21et secunda et tertia producta, in ‘ri’ exit, ut puta a prima ut
22‘clamari’, a secunda ut ‘moneri’, a tertia producta ‘nutriri’; a
23tertia vero correpta numquam exit in ‘ri’, sed in ‘i’, ut puta
24‘legi’, ‘scribi’ dicimus, et ‘ungi’, non ‘ungeri’, quia ‘ungo’ dicimus,
25non ‘ungeo’.
1Nam quoniam de ‘ungeri’ et ‘ungi’
2habita quaestio est, quid, dicemus sic de ‘tergeri’ et de ‘tergi’?
3Sed ‘tergeri’ dicimus, non ‘tergi’, quia ‘tergeo’ facit, non
4‘tergo’. Sic ‹et›iam in ceteris observabis, ut, ubi inveneris
3, 5secundam coniugationem ‘ri’ habeat infinitus modus in his
6verbis, ut ‘caveo caveri’, ‘doceo doceri’, ‘terreo terreri’, ‘coerceo
7Quantum ratio postulavit de coniugationibus ordine
8tractavimus. Nunc de participiis pauca dicenda sunt.
10Participia dicta sunt quod partem capiant nominis, partem
11verbi. Trahunt enim a nomine casus, a verbo tempora, ut
12puta ‘legens lecturus’: ecce iam tractum est a verbo aliquid,
13id est tempus; nam ‘legens’ praesentis temporis participium
14est, ‘lecturus’ futuri;
Critical apparatus
puta] om. A μ: consensus codd. Mπet] om. Out medebor μ: consensus codd. Mπ: om. A; om. Oputa] om. A μ: consensus codd. Mπlegeris] legitur A μ: consensus codd. Mπante ‘ris’] om. Ocedit O: cedet A μ: consensus codd. Mπquomodo Rosellini: quoniam ω: consensus codd. Oαut puta … ; in deponentibus suppl. (cf. in communibus ac deponentibus μ) Rosellini: est pro i A μ: consensus codd. Mπ: est pro e Opromissivum] in ras. scr. al. m. Aut] om. Oest] om. A μ: consensus codd. MπHaec] om. A μ: consensus codd. Mπet] om. A μ: consensus codd. Mπut] om. A μ: consensus codd. Mπlegi scribi O: legito scribito illi A; legi dicimus infinitivo et scribi μ: consensus codd. Mπquoniam O: quodo -mo- s. l. add. al. m. A; quomodo μ: consensus codd. Mπquid A μ: consensus codd. Mπ: quod Odicemus O: diceremus A; diceremusne μ: consensus codd. Mπetiam suppl. Rosellini: iam A O; et M; om. π: consensus codd. νξhabeat dubit. Rosellini: habere ω: consensus codd. Oα; haberet De Nonnoconiugationibus al. m. A O: coniugatione vel coniugationum A; coniugationum μ: consensus codd. MπDE PARTICIPIO O: om. A μ: consensus codd. Mπpartem O: partemque A μ: consensus codd. Mπtractum est O: tractum A μ: consensus codd. Mπ‘lecturus’] et O
Linguistic layer
luctorde verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: significationes: deponens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: voice: deponent
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: significationes: deponens
language: Latin
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: voice: deponent
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: significationes: deponens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: voice: deponent
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: significationes: deponens
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: deponent
luctorde verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: significationes: deponens
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: deponent
moneode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: passive
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: voice: passive
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: passive
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: passiva
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
moneode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: passiva
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
vereorde verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: communis
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: significationes: communis
language: Latin
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: communis
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: communis
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: tense: future
vereorde verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: communis
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: tense: future
tude verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: communis
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
tude verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: communis
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
medeorde verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: deponens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: deponent
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: significationes: deponens
language: Latin
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: voice: deponent
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: deponens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: deponent
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: deponens
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: deponent
medeorde verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: deponens
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: deponent
vocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: voice: passive
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: voice: passive
vocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: voice: passive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
transitio/mutatio litterarum
language: Latin
phonetics: vocalism: vowel reduction
vocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
transitio/mutatio litterarum
language: Latin
phonetics: vocalism: vowel reduction
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: activa/recta
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: active
de verbo: significationes: activa/recta
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: active
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: passiva
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
de verbo: significationes: passiva
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
sequorde verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: deponens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: voice: deponent
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: significationes: deponens
language: Latin
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: voice: deponent
vocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: deponens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: voice: deponent
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
transitio/mutatio litterarum
vocalis: brevis/correpta
language: Latin
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
phonetics: vocalism: vowel reduction
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: deponens
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: deponent
sequorde verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: deponens
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: deponent
nutriovocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: voice: passive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: voice: passive
vocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: voice: passive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: passiva
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
nutriode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: passiva
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
vocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: passiva
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
nutriovocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: passiva
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
vocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
clamode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
moneode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
nutriovocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
vocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
lego, 2vocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
scribovocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
ungovocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
ungovocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
ung(u)ovocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
tergeode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
tergeode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
tergeode verbo: coniugationes: II
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
caveode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
doceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
terreode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
coerceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
lego, 2de partibus or.: participium
language: Latin
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: participle
lego, 2de participio: tempora: praesens + praeteritum imperfectum
language: Latin
morphology: tense: present
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: participle
lego, 2de participio: tempora: futurum
language: Latin
morphology: tense: future
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: participle
de verbo: significationes: deponens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: voice: deponent
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: significationes: deponens
language: Latin
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: voice: deponent
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: significationes: deponens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: voice: deponent
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: significationes: deponens
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: deponent
luctorde verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: significationes: deponens
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: deponent
moneode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: passive
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: voice: passive
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: passive
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: passiva
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
moneode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: passiva
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
vereorde verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: communis
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: significationes: communis
language: Latin
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: communis
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: communis
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: tense: future
vereorde verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: communis
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: tense: future
tude verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: communis
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
tude verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: communis
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
medeorde verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: deponens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: deponent
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: significationes: deponens
language: Latin
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: voice: deponent
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: deponens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: deponent
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: deponens
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: deponent
medeorde verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: significationes: deponens
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: deponent
vocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
lego, 2de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: voice: passive
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: voice: passive
vocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: voice: passive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
transitio/mutatio litterarum
language: Latin
phonetics: vocalism: vowel reduction
vocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
transitio/mutatio litterarum
language: Latin
phonetics: vocalism: vowel reduction
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: activa/recta
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: active
de verbo: significationes: activa/recta
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: active
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: passiva
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
de verbo: significationes: passiva
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
sequorde verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: deponens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: voice: deponent
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: significationes: deponens
language: Latin
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: voice: deponent
vocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: deponens
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: voice: deponent
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
transitio/mutatio litterarum
vocalis: brevis/correpta
language: Latin
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
phonetics: vocalism: vowel reduction
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: deponens
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: deponent
sequorde verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: deponens
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: deponent
nutriovocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: voice: passive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
de verbo: numeri: singularis
de verbo: personae: II
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: number: singular
morphology: person: 2nd
morphology: voice: passive
vocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: voice: passive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: passiva
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
nutriode verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: passiva
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
vocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: passiva
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
nutriovocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: significationes: passiva
de verbo: tempora: futurum/futurum infinitum/paulo post futurum
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: tense: future
morphology: voice: passive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
vocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
clamode verbo: coniugationes: I
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ā
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
moneode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
nutriovocalis: longa/producta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ī
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
vocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
lego, 2vocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
scribovocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
ungovocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
ungovocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
ung(u)ovocalis: brevis/correpta
de verbo: coniugationes: III
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ĕ
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
phonetics: vocalism: vowel length
tergeode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
tergeode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
tergeode verbo: coniugationes: II
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
de verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
caveode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
doceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
terreode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
coerceode verbo: coniugationes: II
de verbo: modi: infinitus
de verbo: significationes: passiva
language: Latin
morphology: inflectional type: verbal: present stems: ē
morphology: voice: passive
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: infinitive
lego, 2de partibus or.: participium
language: Latin
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: participle
lego, 2de participio: tempora: praesens + praeteritum imperfectum
language: Latin
morphology: tense: present
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: participle
lego, 2de participio: tempora: futurum
language: Latin
morphology: tense: future
morphology: verbal adj. and nouns: participle